J-GLOBAL ID:200901008544016627
Update date: Dec. 03, 2024 Hongoh Yuichi
ホンゴウ ユウイチ | Hongoh Yuichi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Other affiliations (1): -
Japan Collection of Microorganisms (JCM), Bioresource center (BRC)
Guest Researcher
Homepage URL (1): http://www.hongoh.bio.titech.ac.jp/ Research field (5):
Evolutionary biology
, Molecular biology
, Biodiversity and systematics
, Ecology and environmental science
, Genomics
Research keywords (12):
, 分子進化
, Microbiology
, Entomology
, Symbiology
, Molecular Ecology
, Environmental Genomics
, 難培養性微生物
, 昆虫
, 共生
, 環境ゲノム
, 分子生態学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (20): - 2020 - 2023 未培養原生生物1細胞ゲノム解析系の確立とシロアリ腸内木質分解性原生生物の機能解明
- 2020 - 2022 異種細菌種間付着共生系の実態解明と生物進化へのインパクトの検証
- 2017 - 2022 An impact of evolution of the intestinal symbioses to the host insects:interdisciplinary approaches with micro-metabolomic and genomic analyses
- 2018 - 2021 Genome analysis of ancient samples preserved in Antarctica
- 2017 - 2019 Posibilty of sympatric speciation of protists by cellular symbiosis
- 2016 - 2019 Deciphering the mechanism of acquisition and evolution of symbiotic microbes in the termite gut
- 2015 - 2019 Adaptive management model for fishery resources: practice and development of genetic population monitoring techniques
- 2014 - 2018 Effects of global environmental changes on glacier ecosystems
- 2014 - 2017 Metagenomic analysis of phages in the termite gut and potential for application in pest control
- 2014 - 2017 Explorations of metabolic factors involved in efficient cellulolytic systems in insects
- 2014 - 2017 Study on novel functions of nitrogen fixation and hydrogen utilization in bacteria of the order Bacteroidales
- 2011 - 2016 Research about environmental symbiotic system by using of advanced genome and transcriptome analysis
- 2010 - 2014 Response prediction and impact statement of glacier ecosystems on global environmental change
- 2010 - 2012 シロアリ腸内共生系研究のためのモデル生物の構築
- 2010 - 2012 シングルセル・ゲノミクスによる難培養微生物の機能解明と遺伝子資源化
- 2006 - 2008 Genome analysis of uncultivable microbes
- 1998 - 1998 同翅目昆虫と共生微生物の窒素代謝
- Ecology and genomics of symbiotic microbes in termite gut
- 環境ゲノミクス
- シロアリ腸内共生微生物群の分子生態学
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Papers (87): -
Masayuki Kaneko, Tatsuki Omori, Katsura Igai, Takako Mabuchi, Miho Sakai-Tazawa, Arisa Nishihara, Kumiko Kihara, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Moriya Ohkuma, Yuichi Hongoh. Facultative endosymbiosis between cellulolytic protists and methanogenic archaea in the gut of the Formosan termite Coptotermes formosanus. ISME Communications. 2024. 4. 1. ycae09
Tatsuya Inagaki, Katsura Igai, Kazuki Takahashi, Yuichi Hongoh. Transmission dynamics of symbiotic protist communities in the termite gut: association with host adult eclosion and dispersal. Royal Society Open Science. 2024. 11. 5. 231527
Kazuki Takahashi, Hirokazu Kuwahara, Yutaro Horikawa, Kazuki Izawa, Daiki Kato, Tatsuya Inagaki, Masahiro Yuki, Moriya Ohkuma, Yuichi Hongoh. Emergence of putative energy parasites within Clostridia revealed by genome analysis of a novel endosymbiotic clade. The ISME Journal. 2023. 17. 11. 1895-1906
Jaclyn Thompson, Casey Barr, Lydia Babcock-Adams, Lina Bird, Eugenio La Cava, Arkadiy Garber, Yuichi Hongoh, Mark Liu, Kenneth H. Nealson, Akihiro Okamoto, et al. Insights into the physiological and genomic characterization of three bacterial isolates from a highly alkaline, terrestrial serpentinizing system. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023. 14. e1179857
Hiroyoshi Aoki, Yuki Masahiro, Michiru Shimizu, Yuichi Hongoh, Moriya Ohkuma, Yutaka Yamagata. Agarose gel microcapsules enable easy-to-prepare, picolitre-scale, single-cell genomics, yielding high-coverage genome sequences. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1
more... MISC (68): - 守川貴裕, 猪飼桂, 高橋雄大, 金井英樹, 大熊盛也, 井上徹志, 山田明徳, 本郷裕一, 本郷裕一. 高等シロアリ腸内共生原生生物の多様性と木質分解への寄与. 日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨. 2017. 61st. 140
- 西山依里, 東光一, 森宙史, 須田好, 上野雄一郎, 上野雄一郎, 大森聡一, 丸山史人, 丸山茂徳, 太田啓之, et al. 九州霧島地域の熱水環境における微生物群集構造と環境データとの関連性. 日本ゲノム微生物学会年会要旨集. 2017. 11th. 72
- 坪井 亜里沙, 本郷 裕一, 守屋 繁春. Total RNA Seq を用いたアマゾン流域のネグロ川における微生物群集構造と発現遺伝子の解析. 日本共生生物学会第一回大会. 2017. 50th
- 高橋雄大, 猪飼桂, 守川貴裕, 菅谷快斗, 大熊盛也, 小林正規, 井上徹志, 山田明徳, 本郷裕一. 高等シロアリ及びゴキブリ腸内共生原生生物の系統的多様性とその形態. 日本原生生物学会大会講演要旨集. 2017. 50th. 33
- 猪飼桂, 守川貴裕, 高橋雄大, 守屋繁春, 大熊盛也, 井上徹志, 山田明徳, 本郷裕一, 本郷裕一. 高等シロアリにおける腸内木質分解原生生物の再獲得の可能性. 日本原生生物学会大会講演要旨集. 2017. 50th. 23
more... Lectures and oral presentations (18): -
Genomics of uncultivable bacteria deciphers multilayered symbiotic system in the termite gut
(2018 World Life Science Conference 2018)
Multi-layered symbiotic system in the termite gut"
(The 46th Naito Conference 2018)
Genomics of uncultivable bacteria deciphers multilayered symbiotic system in the termite gut
(Max Planck Institute(Marburg) Workshop: International Workshop on Insect Gut Microbiology 2018)
Single-cell genomics deciphers the termite gut ecosystem
(第91回日本細菌学会総会国際シンポジウム:Frontiers in Bacterial Genomics 2018)
Single cell genomics deciphers the complex symbiotic system in the termite gut microbiota
(The 11th International Workshop on Advanced Genomics (IWAG11) 2015)
more... Education (5): - 1996 - 2000 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
- - 2000 University of Tokyo Graduate School of Sciences Depratment of Biological Sciences
- 1993 - 1996 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences
- 1989 - 1993 Tokyo University Faculty of Science
- 1985 - 1988 私立武蔵高校
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Sciences (Graduate School of Sciences, University of Tokyo)
Work history (7): Committee career (8): Awards (10): - 2009 - The young scientist award from the Society of Genome Microbiolgy, Japan
- 2009 - The Japan Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry Society Award for the Encouragement of Young Scientists
- 2009 - 日本ゲノム微生物学会奨励賞
- 2009 - 日本農芸化学会奨励賞
- 2009 - 日本農学進歩賞
- 2009 - 東工大挑戦的研究賞
- 2008 - 優秀ポスター賞(日本微生物生態学会)
- 2007 - The Excellent Poster Award (IWAG-7, Tokyo)
- 2005 - カセサート大学優秀研究賞
- 2004 - Best Poster Award (ICCC-10, Tsukuba)
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Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本共生生物学会
, International Society for Microbial Ecology
, 日本応用動物昆虫学会
, 日本ゲノム微生物学会
, 日本農芸化学会
, 日本微生物生態学会
, American Society for Microbiology
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