Research field (2):
History of thought
, History - Japan
Research keywords (3):
History of Buddhism
, Medieval history of Japan
, Medieval history of Japan;History of Buddhism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2022 - 2026 中世後期仏教の組織・法会・思想の研究
2013 - 2018 International Research on Japanese Buddhism as seen from the perspective of multiple academic fields
2011 - 2016 A Synthetic Study of Buddhist Ritual: Its formation and Development
2009 - 2012 Comprehensive research on Historic Ruins of the Hill behind Kawaharadera Temple in Asuka area: the Distinction of Kawaharadera Temple Considered from the Excavated Artifacts
2009 - 2012 Interdisciplinary study on formation and deployment of traditional cultures in East Asia focusing on education in private academy and school
2007 - 2009 The service of Zen Buddhism and the relation of the Chinese Buddhism to Japanese medieval times
2006 - 2008 Comprehensive research on Cave Temples in Western India-understanding the process of structural transition in Buddhist Cave Temples-.
2006 - 2008 International Research on Japanese Religions and Gender : Using the Results of Surveying Convent Archives as a Foundation
2004 - 2006 Research of the ancient documents which the Five-Monasteries Zen temple consisting mainly of the Tenryu-ji (天竜寺) temple and Shokoku-ji (相国寺) temple possesses
2001 - 2006 A court noble and warrior
2002 - 2005 Comprehensive studies of women and Buddhism in Japan based on the results of the amadera document survey
2002 - 2004 Research of the Old Documents of Zen Buddhism Temple
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Papers (57):
Masatoshi Harada. Muso Sosek's constoruction of the Tenryuji temple and the Ashikaga Shogunate. 2024. 57. 57-80