J-GLOBAL ID:200901009148523580
Update date: Jun. 07, 2023
Mizukawa Yoshifumi
Mizukawa Yoshifumi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (7):
, 会話分析
, エスノメソドロジー
, cognitive science
, communication study
, conversation analysis
, ethnomethodology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2015 - 2019 アティピカル・インタラクションのエスノメソドロジー 障害と相互行為の研究
- 2010 - 2013 発達障害の療育現場における相互行為の構造:エスノメソドロジー・会話分析による解明
- Ethnomethodological studies of social practice
Papers (7):
中村 和生, 浦野 茂, 水川 喜文. Tojisha and Facilitator in a Tojisha Kenkyu Session of People with Mental Disabilities : Practices in Co-Membership and Cross Category. 保健医療社会学論集. 2018. 28. 2. 65-75
MIZUKAWA Yoshifumi. Trends: On Our Translation of M.Lynch's Scientific Practice and Ordinary Action and Trends in Ethnomethodology and Conver Analysis. Contemporary Sociological Studies. 2013. 26. 113-123
Nakamura Kazuo, Urano Shigeru, Mizukawa Yoshifumi. Theory of Mind and Intelligibiliy in Social Settings::Toward Ethnomethodological Studies of the Work in Psychotherapeutic Sessions for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The Annual Review of Sociology. 2013. 2013. 26. 159-170
MIZUKAWA Yoshifumi, NAKAMURA Kazuo, URANO Shigeru. Membership Categories and Social Order in Social Skills Training for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The Japanese Journal of Health and Medical Sociology. 2013. 24. 1. 31-40
浦野 茂, 水川 喜文, 中村 和生. Co-production of utterances in social skills training for children with pervasive developmental disorder : An ethnomethodological explication. 三重県立看護大学紀要. 2012. 16. 16. 1-10
MISC (7):
HIRAMOTO Takeshi, KUROSHIMA Satomi, MIZUKAWA Yoshifumi, AKIYA Naonori. Workshop in the 32nd Congress : How Conversation Analysis can Contribute to the Analysis of Service Encounter. The Japanese journal of language in society. 2014. 16. 2. 99-105
Mizukawa Yoshifumi. A Critical Study of Conversation Analysis : The Concept of Turn-Constructional Units and Its Fallacy. Hokusei review, the School of Social Welfare. 2010. 47. 53-65
Mizukawa Yoshifumi. Categories in the Interaction through Mobile Phones with Visual Image Messaging. Hokusei review, the School of Social Welfare. 2008. 45. 25-35
Mizukawa Yoshihumi. Usability of video-taped materials for conversation analysis : methodologies of making trascripts. Journal of Hokusei Gakuen Women's Junior College. 2001. 37. 77-84
Mizukawa Yoshihumi. The Significance of Attendant Care Education by/with Disabled Persons. Journal of Hokusei Gakuen Women's Junior College. 1999. 35. 265-268
Books (11):
ハーベスト社 2017 ISBN:4863390831
勁草書房 2012 ISBN:4326602449
エスノメソドロジー : 人びとの実践から学ぶ
新曜社 2007 ISBN:9784788510623
有斐閣 2004 ISBN:4641076820
産業図書 1999 ISBN:4782801262
Lectures and oral presentations (2):
Workshop in the 32nd Congress : How Conversation Analysis can Contribute to the Analysis of Service Encounter
(The Japanese Journal of Language in Society 2014)
WS5 社会情報学におけるエスノグラフィーの可能性 : 実践とメディアのインタフェースに向けて(ワークショップ5)
(社会情報学会(SSI)学会大会研究発表論文集 2013)
Work history (2):
- 2006/04 - 現在 北星学園大学大学院社会福祉学研究科 教授(併任)
- 2006/04 - 現在 Hokusei Gakuen University School of Social Welfare Professor
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