J-GLOBAL ID:200901009191361763
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022
Aoki Osamu
アオキ オサム | Aoki Osamu
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Education - general
, Sociology
Research keywords (2):
, Education and Social Work
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 教育と福祉の連携
- 貧困とソーシャルワーク
- 日本における貧困の世代的再生産と教育福祉的介入
- アメリカにおける貧困の再生産と教育福祉的介入
- Partnership between Education and Social Work
- Poverty (welfare families) and Social Work
- Reproduction of Generational Poverty and Interventions Through Partnerships between Education and Social Work in Japan
- Reproduction of Generational Poverty and interventions through Partnerships between Education and Social Work in the U. S.
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MISC (16):
貧困の世代的再生産の構造(1)-北海道A市における離婚母子世帯分析-. 教育福祉研究. 2000. 6. 61-71
Research on Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty in Hokkaido. 2000. 6. 61-71
アメリカにおける「10代の妊娠」問題-貧困の世代的再生産との関連で-. 北海道大学教育学部紀要. 1999. 79. 69-189
教育における「選択」と「福祉」. 教育福祉研究. 1999. 5. 49-77
Teenage Pregnancy in America : The Relationship Between Teenage Pregnancy and Reproduction of Genelatioal Poverty. 1999. 79. 69-189
Books (2):
有斐閣 1997
Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty
Works (6):
2001 -
2001 -
Life Style and Environment of Children in Hokkaido
2001 -
Interventions through Partnerships between Education and Social Work with Welfare Families
2001 -
1996 - 1998
Education (4):
- - 1978 Kyoto University
- - 1978 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
- - 1970 Shizuoka University Faculty of Agriculture
- - 1970 Shizuoka University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
- Docter of Agriculture (Kyoto University)
Work history (6):
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本地域福祉学会
, 日本社会福祉学会
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