J-GLOBAL ID:200901009766405580
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022 Fujishima Akihiro
フジシマ アキヒロ | Fujishima Akihiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (1): http://www10.showa-u.ac.jp/~Oralbiot/ Research field (3):
Developmental dentistry
, Prosthodontics
, Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Research keywords (5):
, 歯科用セラミックス
, 接着
, Adhesion
, Fracture toughness test
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13): - 歯科用セラミックスの表面改質
- 生体力学
- 生体材料の耐久性
- 歯科用金属の表面処理法
- チタン製再建用プレートの物性
- 硬質レジン前装チタンクラウンの製作
- 歯科修復材料の破壊靭性
- Biomechanics
- Durability of Biomaterials
- Surface treatment for detal metals
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Plates
- Fabrication of Resin Veneered Crown by Pure Titanium
- Fracture Toughness of Dental Restorative Materials
Show all
MISC (69): - Kenichiro Takeuchi, Akihiro Fujishima, Atsufumi Manabe, Soichi Kuriyama, Yasuhiro Hotta, Yukimichi Tamaki, Takashi Miyazaki. Combination treatment of tribochemical treatment and phosphoric acid ester monomer of zirconia ceramics enhances the bonding durability of resin-based luting cements. DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL. 2010. 29. 3. 316-323
- 増田宜子, 大場崇史, 山田嘉重, 藤島昭宏, 宮本洋一, 木村裕一, 上條竜太郎. 磁場下プログラムフリーザーを用いた歯髄細胞の凍結保存に関する研究. 日歯保存誌. 2010. 53. 3. 274-279
- GAO Ping, FUJISHIMA Akihiro, HU Shuhai, MIYAZAKI Takashi. An Evaluation of the Bending Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Post Materials by a Cantilever Test. Dent Med Res. 2010. 30. 1. 22-28
- 岩井 美智, 藤島 昭宏. 各種矯正用ミニスクリューの形態的特徴と埋入・撤去時発生トルクの評価. Orthodontic Wave. 2009. 68. 1. 16-24
- Tanaka R, Fujishima A. Cooperation of phosphate monomer and silica modification on zirconia. J Dent Res. 2008. 87. 7. 666-770
more... Books (3): - スタンダード歯科理工学 ー生体材料と歯科材料ー 第4版
学建書院 2009
- 図解 最先端表面処理技術のすべて
工業調査会 2006
- スタンダード歯科理工学 改訂版 第9章 成形修復材料(共著)
学建書院 1999
Works (6): -
2000 -
2000 -
2000 -
Mechanical properties of denture base resin for repairing
2000 -
Measurement of degree of cure for resin-modified glass ionomer cements by IR spectroscopic analysis
2000 -
more... Education (4): - - 1988 Showa University Dental Research Division
- - 1988 Showa University Graduate School, Division of Dental Research
- - 1983 Showa University School of Dentistry
- - 1983 Showa University Faculty of Dentistry
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 1988 - 1994 Showa University School of Dentistry, Dental Technology
- 1988 - 1994 Dept. of Oral Biomaterials and Technology, School of Dentistry Showa Univ. Reseacher assistant
- 1994 - - 昭和大学歯学部歯科理工学教室 講師
- 1994 - - Dept. of Oral Biomaterials and Technology, School of Dentistry Showa University Assistant Professor
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 国際歯科学学会 International Association for Dental Research
, 日本保存歯科学会
, 昭和歯学会
, 日本歯科理工学会
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