J-GLOBAL ID:200901010892904271
Update date: Dec. 22, 2024
Goto Tanjuro
ゴトウ タンジュウロウ | Goto Tanjuro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (8):
, 根域制限
, 養水分管理
, 花卉園芸学
, stress
, root restriction
, Water and nutrient management
, Ornamental Horticultural
Research theme for competitive and other funds (25):
- 2022 - 2026 Establishment of cut flower production of delphinium by clarifing the flowering control mechanism under root zone restriction
- 2022 - 2025 花き類の高濃度CO2への順化反応の機構解明とそれに基づくCO2施用の効率化
- 2019 - 2022 ダリア露芯花の発生メカニズムの解明に基づく露芯花発生低減方法の開発
- 2018 - 2022 Analyses of negative factors affecting the cut flower productivity of the rose plant community for optimizing the greenhouse environmental conditions by using system dynamics models
- 2015 - 2018 Establish of recycle system for deposited sludge in lakes and ponds by use of classification, dehydration and physico-chemical improvements
- 2015 - 2018 Genetic analysis of Capsicum bio-resource to improve low-pungent capsaicin analogs in chili pepper fruit
- 2014 - 2018 An optimization strategy of the plant architecture and the environment control revealed by measuring the carbon balance in the greenhouse rose vegetation under fluctuating environments
- 2013 - 2015 A study on major genes controlling pungency in Capsicum bio-resource and its application for pepper breeding
- 2012 - 2015 Development of new geotechnical and agricultural material with use of online control type dehydration and desiccation system of sludge
- 2011 - 2014 Effect of intermittent low-temperature storage on flower induction of horticultural plants
- 2009 - 2011 Studies on mechanism of yellow-leaf-spot occurrence induced by high temperature and irradiation in chrysanthemum.
- 1999 - 2000 Building up the non-culture medium cellular seedling system-practical application of the cellular sheet seedlings
- 2000 - キクの生理障害に関する研究
- 2000 - Studies on physiologycal injury of chrysanthemum
- 1998 - 1999 Quality evaluation of chrysanthemum cut flower using image processing techniques and Kalman neuro
- 1996 - 1998 Water Culture on Ornamental Crops Using Eutrophic Water in the lake of Kojima
- 1996 - 1996 セル成型トレイを用いた栄養系花卉の苗生産システム
- 1991 - 1991 アスパラガス1年生株の生理生態的特性,特に休眠について
- 固化培地を用いた植物生産
- セル苗および鉢物の養水分管理
- 花卉類における養水分管理に関する研究
- 機械移植用苗生産に関する研究
- Water and nutrient management of cell transplants and pot culture
- Studies on water and nutrient management in floriculture
- Studies on Seedling Production for Transplanted Machine.
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Papers (124):
福光優子, 尾関仁志, 北村嘉邦, 後藤丹十郎. 山口県育成小輪系ユリ「プチシリーズ」における国内球根養成地および長期氷温貯蔵前の球根の冷蔵処理が切り花形質へ与える影響. 園芸学研究. 2025. 23. 1. 271-278
Hiroki Taniguchi, Yuki Tsukuda, Ko Motoki, Tanjuro Goto, Yuichi Yoshida, Ken-ichiro Yasuba. Development of an AI-based Image Analysis System to Calculate the Visit Duration of a Green Blow Fly on a Strawberry Flower. The Horticulture Journal. 2025
Takayoshi Yano, Ryosuke Yamanaka, Minori Endo-Hikawa, Yuki Yoneda, Hisashi Yoshikoshi, Tanjuro Goto, Yuichi Yoshida, Ken-ichiro Yasuba. Effect of Three Days Low-temperature Storage of Tray-grown Strawberry Plants on Emergence and Flowering of Primary Flower. Horticultural reseach. 2024. 23. 4. 271-278
Thao Thu Phan, Keigo Fukushima, Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Ken-ichiro Yasuba, Yuichi Yoshida, Tanjuro Goto. Effect of seed cold PEG-priming and subsequent long storage on germination, growth and flowering of Eustoma grandiflorum(Raf.)Shinn ʻExe Lavenderʼ. Sci. Fac. Agr. Okayama Univ. 2024. 113. 7-10
Edna K. Muthamia, Koji Naito, Hiromasa Okada, Yukino Karasawa, Tokuyu Kikumura, Takuya Nara, Yasunori Hamauzu, Ko Motoki, Ken-ichiro Yasuba, Yuichi Yoshida, et al. Elucidation of Low-temperature Regulated Flavone Synthesis in <i>Dahlia Variabilis</i> and its Effects on Flower Color. The Horticulture Journal. 2024. 93. 4. 335-343
MISC (290):
Haruka Takaoka, Nguyen Thi Thuy Nhung, Ko Motoki, Tanjuro Goto, Ken-ichiro Yasuba. evelopment of a program to decide on the need for plant growth regulator treatment in tomatoes during the summer season. APFITA2024. 2025
川辺響介, 相澤宏衣, 加原なつみ, 後藤丹十郎, 元木航, 安場健一郎. 積算日射量を用いたイチゴ‘紅ほっぺ’および‘女峰’における最適葉数の検討. 園芸学会中四国支部. 2024. 62
松浦宰久, 安藤遥人, 河合実花, 元木航, 安場健一郎, 後藤丹十郎. 潅水頻度および施肥濃度がシネンシス系デルフィニウムの苗の生育および抽苔に及ぼす影響. 園芸学会中四国支部. 2024. 62
小林紗季, 後藤丹十郎, 安場健一郎, 元木 航. ダイコン台木の接ぎ木花成誘導能力に対する2つのFLC低発現アレルの組み合わせ効果. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2024. 23. 2
田吹良介, 植松菜月, 後藤丹十郎, 元木航, 吉田裕一, 安場健一郎. イチゴの送風受粉における花粉付着度と奇形果の発生. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2024. 23. 2
Books (9):
農山漁村文化協会 2018 ISBN:9784540170591
農山漁村文化協会 2017 ISBN:9784540160592
農山漁村文化協会 2017 ISBN:9784540161766
特集進化する「日持ち保証」の栽培技術 : 各種品質保持剤,CO[2]施用,塩締め,暗黒低温処理ほか
農山漁村文化協会 2015 ISBN:9784540141638
花の魅力を高めて新しい需要をつくる : 香り、日持ち保証、和の素材など
農山漁村文化協会 2010 ISBN:9784540092121
Works (15):
2004 -
Weed plant growth regulation by containered mat
2004 -
2001 -
Studies of leaf-yellow-spot occurence in chrysanthemum
2000 -
Effects of different nitrogen applications and flowering times on growth and nitrogen uptake of spray chrysanthemums in hydroponics
1998 -
Education (2):
- - 1987 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
- - 1987 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
- Doctor(Agriculture) (Kyoto University)
Work history (13):
- 2023/04 - 現在 Graduate School of Environmental Life, Life, Natural Science and Technology
- 2018/04 - 2023/03 Okayama University Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science Vice Deam
- 2012/04 - 2023/03 Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science Professor
- 2007/04 - 2012/03 The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
- 2005/04 - 2007/03 Okayama University The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, (Doctor Course) Division of Bioscience, bioscience Associate Professor
- 2003/10 - 2005/03 Okayama University Faculty of Agriculture
- 2002 - 2003 Okayama University The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
- 2002 - 2003 Faculty of nature science, Okayama University, Assistant Professor
- 2003 - - Faculty of Agricultural, Okayama University, Associate Professor
- 1994 - 2002 Okayama University Faculty of Agriculture
- 1994 - 2002 Faculty of Agricultural, Okayama University, Assistant Professor
- 1987 - 1994 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
- 1987 - 1994 Faculty of Agricultural, Kyoto University, Assistant Professor
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Awards (2):
- 2001 - 日本植物工場学会学術奨励賞
- 2001 - Grant aid for high tecnology plant science
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本生物環境調節学会
, The American Society for Horticultural Science
, 園芸学会
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