2013 - 2017 Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Analyses of Nonequilibrium Reactions and the Design of Batteries
2010 - 2012 Ultra High Resolution Depth Resolved Analysis on High Temperature Nano-ionics Phenomena to Development of High Active Fuel Cell Electrode
2006 - 2008 Synthesis of nanostructered particles and design of electrode interface structure through control of their allay using electrostatic deposition
2004 - 2008 Investigation of ion transport properties at hetero interface
2004 - 2006 Changes in electronic structure upon Li-ion extraction of LiMPO_4 (M=Fe,Co) using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and First Principle calculation
2003 - 2005 High power performance by defect introduction into spinel oxides for the usage of large-scale lithium ion battery
2002 - 2003 貴金属フリーな直接メタノール型燃料電池用電極触媒のコンビナトリアル開発
1999 - 2003 リチウムイオン伝導性全固体イオニクス素子用材料の探索と界面反応
2000 - 2002 Development of Direct Methanol Thin Solid Polymer Fuel Cells by Consecutive Vapor Phase Process
1999 - 2000 Synthesis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Graded Structure from Aqueous Solution
1999 - 2000 有機分子超構造の転写によるセラミックス誘電体薄膜のパターニング
1997 - 1999 Development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell by Using Synthesis from Aqueous Solutions
1998 - 1998 キラルらせん構造を持つ電子導電性無機結晶を用いた不斉認識電極界面の設計
1997 - 1998 混合導電性酸化物緻密薄膜電極を用いた高温固体電解質型燃料電池電極反応の解明
1996 - 1998 High performance gas diffusion electrode of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells prepared by plasma polymerization
1997 - 1997 液相析法による機能性セラミックスの傾斜化
1997 - 1997 有機分子超構造の転写による高誘電率無機酸化物結晶のパタ-ニング
1997 - 1997 キラルらせん構造を持つ電子導電性無機結晶による不斉認識電極界面の構築
1996 - 1997 Dynamic Observation of Molecular Movement at Interface Between Electrode and Solid Polymer Electrolyte by Using In Situ FTIR Spectroscopy
1996 - 1997 Analysis of Electrochemical Lithium Topochemical Reactions into Superstructure Spinel Oxides
1996 - 1996 メタンのプラズマ化学反応における活性種のその場質量分析とその反応制御
1996 - 1996 有機分子超構造の転写による強誘電性ペロブスカイト型酸化物のパタ-ニング
1996 - 1996 非平衡プラズマプロセスを用いた有機傾斜機能性薄膜材料の開発
1993 - 1994 Preparation of Zirconia Thin Films by Electrochemical Vapor Deposition and their Application to Oxygen Sensors
1991 - 1992 Preparation and characterization of polyaniline as cathode material of rechargeable battery in nonaqueous electrolyte
1991 - 1991 溶融塩電解法を用いたイットリア安定化ジルコニア薄膜の作製
1990 - 燃料電池電極反応機構及び劣化機構の解明
1989 - 1989 プラズマ重合法によるシングルイオン伝導性高分子固体電解質薄膜の作製
1988 - 1989 Study on Diffusion of Lithium Ion in Solid and Development of Lithium Secondary Battery
1988 - 1988 プラズマ重合処理によるイオン交換膜の改質
1988 - 1988 プラズマ重合によるイオン導電性有機薄膜の作製
1988 - リチウムイオン二次電池電極反応機構の解明と新規材料の開発
1987 - 燃料電池新規材料の開発と電極反応機構の解明
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Papers (498):
Xian Shi, Toshiki Watanabe, Kentaro Yamamoto, Mukesh Kumar, Neha Thakur, Toshiyuki Matsunaga, Hideki Iba, Masayuki Nagamine, Kiyoshi Kanamura, Yoshiharu Uchimoto. Hierarchical reaction analysis of the effect of high-temperature storage on the electrode characteristics and safety of high-nickel cathodes. Journal of Power Sources. 2025. 631. 236191-236191
Yong Jun Park, Yixiao Su, Kentaro Yamamoto, Toshiki Watanabe, Neha Thakur, Mukesh Kumar, Toshiyuki Matsunaga, Yoshiharu Uchimoto. Unraveling the Degradation Mechanism of LiNbO<sub>3</sub>-Coated NCM Cathode at High Potential in All-Solid-State Batteries Using 10 K Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Analysis. Batteries & Supercaps. 2025
Shimpei Norioka, Tomoki Uchiyama, Hirofumi Ohtsuka, Yoshiharu Uchimoto. Reduction of the Hydrogen Content of CO2 Methanation Product Gas via Catalytic Ethanol Dehydration-Hydrogenation. Catalysis Letters. 2025. 155. 2
Datong Zhang, Kentaro Yamamoto, Zulai Cao, Yanchang Wang, Zhuoyan Zhong, Hisao Kiuchi, Toshiki Watanabe, Toshiyuki Matsunaga, Koji Nakanishi, Hidenori Miki, et al. Cathode Design Based on Nitrogen Redox and Linear Coordination of Cu Center for All-Solid-State Fluoride-Ion Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2025
Jiahao Zhang, Xianbiao Fu, Soonho Kwon, Kaifeng Chen, Xiaozhi Liu, Jin Yang, Haoran Sun, Yanchang Wang, Tomoki Uchiyama, Yoshiharu Uchimoto, et al. Tantalum-stabilized ruthenium oxide electrocatalysts for industrial water electrolysis. Science. 2025. 387. 6729. 48-55
内山智貴, CAO Weijie, 山本健太郎, 松永利之, 寺西利治, 佐藤良太, 今井英人, 櫻井吉晴, 辻庸一郎, 内本喜晴. operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study of Pt nanowire catalysts under Oxygen Reduction Reaction. 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2022. 89th
内山智貴, CAO Weijie, 山本健太郎, 松永利之, 寺西利治, 佐藤良太, 今井英人, 櫻井吉晴, 辻庸一郎, 内本喜晴. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study of Pt alloy Nanowire catalyst under oxygen reduction reaction. 電池討論会PDF要旨集(CD-ROM). 2022. 63rd
小林照, 内山智貴, 柿沼克良, 山本健太郎, 松永利之, 松本匡史, 今井英人, 櫻井吉晴, 朝岡賢彦, 辻庸一郎, et al. Operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Pt catalyst and PtCo catalyst in polymer electrolyte fuel cell under high temperature and low humidity operating conditions. 電池討論会PDF要旨集(CD-ROM). 2022. 63rd
木村勇太, HUANG Su, 中村崇司, 石黒志, 有吉欽吾, 竹内友成, 奥村豊旗, 関澤央輝, 新田清文, 宇留賀朋哉, et al. Data-Driven Optimization of Particle Parameters of Active Materials Based on High-Spatial-Resolution 3D Operando Observation of Reaction Distribution in Solid State Batteries. 固体イオニクス討論会講演要旨集. 2022. 48th
山本健太郎, 山本健太郎, ZHANG Datong, 木内久雄, 中西康次, 内山智貴, 渡邊稔樹, 高見剛, 松永利之, 三木秀教, et al. Fluoride Ion Insertion/extraction Mechanism in Cu3N Cathode of All-Solid-State Fluoride Rechargeable Batteries. 固体イオニクス討論会講演要旨集. 2022. 48th
Electrochemical Behavior of Spinel Oxide during Magnesium ion insertion/extraction reactions at Moderate Temperature
(AiMES 2018 ECS 2018)
Observation of the Li3PS4 formation mechanism by total X-ray scattering measurement coupled to pair distribution function analysis.
(AiMES 2018 ECS 2018)
Effect of annealing treatment for the morphology and proton transport property of Nafion thin-film on platinum electrode
(AiMES 2018 ECS 2018)
The fluoridation and defluoridation mechanism of Cu/CuF2 in all-solid-state fluoride battery
(AiMES 2018 ECS 2018)
Novel High Capacity Cathode Materials Based on Li-rich Cathode Materials by Nitrogen-doping
(AiMES 2018 ECS 2018)