2008 - 2010 Development of wavelength selectivepyranometer for measurement of global solar irradiance and its field test
1995 - 2008 A Forecast of Weather Conditions by Neural Network.
1995 - 2008 太陽光・風力ハイブリッド発電システムの気象予測を用いた運用
2003 - 2007 Development of Concentrator PV System
2001 - 2002 独立型太陽光/風力/ディーゼル発電システムの気象予測を利用した運用法の開発
1998 - 1999 電力系統への太陽光/風力発電/電力貯蔵システムの導入効果および最適構成
1996 - 1996 住宅用太陽光・熱/大気熱システムのライフサイクルアセスメント
Operation of A Photovolatic/Wind Hybrid Generating System Using the Forecast of Weather.
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Papers (62):
Y.Kemmoku, S.Oke, K.Araki. The Necessity of Measuring the System Characteristic of a Concentrator PV System at Installation. 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. 2014
S.Oke, H.Motoda, K.Yamane, Y.Kemmoku, K.Araki. Influence of lens cleaning for elimination of micro particulate dust to electricity characteristics of a concentrator PV system. 23rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference. 2013
Y.Kemmoku, S.Oke. Estimation of the Influence of Dew Condensation on Annual Energy Generation of a Concentrator PV System : Analysis of Data over Two Years. 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. 2013