J-GLOBAL ID:200901012953134434
Update date: May. 15, 2020
Morita Toshiteru
モリタ トシテル | Morita Toshiteru
Affiliation and department:
旧所属 大阪工業大学 情報科学部 情報科学科
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Job title:
Research field (2):
Cell biology
, Morphology, anatomy
Research keywords (6):
, Tissue Formation
, Morphogenesis
, シュミレーション
, 組織形成
, 生物の形態
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2000 メダカの網膜における視細胞の組織特異的分布の形成と維持
- 2000 The Formation and Maintenance of Tissue Specific Distribution of Corn Cells in the Retina of Medaka
Three dimensional modeling and morphological analysis of Coiled-Shell
MISC (21):
巻貝の3次元表示-モデルによる形態解析. 形の科学会誌. 2004. 19巻2号 178-187
Y Kubota, T Morita, M Kusakabe, T Sakakura, K Ito. Spatial and temporal changes in chondroitin sulfate distribution in the sclerotome play an essential role in the formation of migration patterns of mouse neural crest cells. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS. 1999. 214. 1. 55-65
Y Nishiwaki, T Oishi, F Tokunaga, T Morita. Three-dimensional reconstitution of cone arrangement on the spherical surface of the retina in the medaka eyes. ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 1997. 14. 5. 795-801
Y Hieda, K Iwai, T Morita, Y Nakanishi. Mouse embryonic submandibular gland epithelium loses its tissue integrity during early branching morphogenesis. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS. 1996. 207. 4. 395-403
Y Kubota, T Morita, K Ito. New monoclonal antibody (4E9R) identifies mouse neural crest cells. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS. 1996. 206. 4. 368-378
Books (4):
裳華房 1997
ミネルヴァ書房 1994
培風館 1994
現代病理学大系(中山書店) 1984
Education (5):
- 1959 Osaka University
- 1957 Osaka University
- 1957 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Physiology
- 1955 Osaka University School of Science
- 1955 Osaka University Faculty of Science Biology
Professional career (2):
Committee career (3):
1994 - 1998 一般教育学会 理事
1990 - 1995 日本色素細胞学会 理事
1991 - 1992 日本動物学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本色素細胞学会
, 日本動物学会
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