J-GLOBAL ID:200901013459387881
Update date: May. 31, 2018 Iizuka Hironobu
イイヅカ ヒロノブ | Iizuka Hironobu
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
History of thought
Research keywords (2):
, The History of Japanese Buddhism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (20): -
中世曹洞宗における本参資料研究紀要(五). 駒澤大学仏教学部研究紀要. 2000. 31, 47
龍谷大学図書館蔵『大徳寺夜話』をめぐって(二). 駒澤大学禅研究所紀要. 2000. 11. 38
An Introductory Study of the “Honsen” in the Medieval (4). Journal of the Faculty Buddhism. 2000. 58, 56
Concerning Ryukoku University Library's Manuscript of Daitokuji-yawa (2). Annual Report of the Zen Institute. 2000. 11. 38
中世曹洞宗における本参資料研究序説(三). 駒澤大学仏教学部論集. 1999. 30. 82
more... Books (1): - 一休和尚全集 第4巻 一休仮名法語
春秋社 2000
Education (4): - - 1996 Komazawa University
- - 1996 Komazawa University Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1985 Komazawa University Faculty of Buddhism Department of Buddhist Studies
- - 1985 Komazawa University Faculty of Buddhism
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本近代仏教史研究会
, 仏教史学会
, 日本仏教学会
, 日本印度学仏教学会
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