J-GLOBAL ID:200901014201433079
Update date: Aug. 25, 2020
Hirota Masahiko
ヒロタ マサヒコ | Hirota Masahiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research Assistant,Others
Research field (1):
Digestive surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 膵癌の診断と治療
- 急性膵炎の診断と治療
- Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer
- Diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis
MISC (24):
Books (9):
Relationship between plasma concentration of cytokine modulators and multiple organ failure in acute pancreatitis.
5th World Congress on Trauma, Shock, Inflammation and Sepsis 2000
High incidence of infectious complications in severe acute pancreatitis.
5th World Congress on Trauma, Shock, Inflammation and Sepsis 2000
Determination of serum levels of circulating soluble E-selectin in patients after major surgery and in those with acute pancreatitis.
4th International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis. Monduzzi Editore 1997
Experimental pancreatic cancer.
Cancer of pancreas 1996
Kinetic analysis of alpha 1-3 N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase in hamster pancreatic cancers and in normal hamster alimentary tissues.
Recent advances in Gastroenterological Carcinogenesis I. Monduzzi Editore 1996
Education (2):
- - 1989 Kumamoto University
- - 1989 Kumamoto University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
Committee career (1):
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本胆道学会
, 日本膵臓学会
, 日本腹部救急医学会
, 日本肝胆膵外科学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本消化器病学会
, 日本消化器外科学会
, 日本外科学会
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