Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (2):
, comparative literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (23):
2022 - 2025 De-Orientalizing Haiku in Latin America
2022 - 2025 Literary Activities of A. Rubinstein: The Problems of Their Re-evaluation and the Assessment of Their Relationship to Judaism
2019 - 2022 The Role of Foreign Language Textbooks in Understanding Alien Cultures
2018 - 2022 The Comparative Study of the Dialogic Development of the Japanese Culture
2016 - 2019 The Study of the Polyglotism of Latvian Yiddish Litearture: Through the Analysis of the Life and Works of Mark Razumnyi
2014 - 2018 Comparative Research on Japanese Contemporary Pop-Texts
2013 - 2016 The Study of Latvian Jewish Literature: On the Possilibity of Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cutlural Literature
2011 - 2015 Transformation and Originality in Representation: Adaptation as a Strategy of Creation
2011 - 2015 The Development of Japanology in the Russian Far East. The Period of State Far Eastern University (1920-1939)
2010 - 2012 The Study of Jewish-Russian Literature in Exile
2006 - 2008 The Study of Russian Literature in Russian China
2005 - 2008 Japanological Studies in the Oriental Institute (Russia)
2003 - 2004 A Study of the Lives and Works of the Matveevs : A Case of Literature in Exile, Margin, and Diaspora
1999 - 2001 Comparative study of Understanding Other Cultures : For Eastern Russia and Japan
1999 - 2000 Leo Tostoy and Sects
1997 - 1999 The Linguistic Possibilities of Futabatei Shimei' Early Translations
1993 - 1993 Cultural Analysis of the Purity Campaign
A Study of Contemporary Japanese Comics through the Perspectives of Cultural Studies
A Study of Contemporary Literary/Cultural Theories of America and Russia
Gencalogical Study of Modern Sexuality
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Papers (18):
Yokota-Murakami, Takayuki. What Is Eroticism: East/West Comparative Analysis. Art Collectors. 2023. 172. 10-11
Takayuki Yokota-Murakami. The Historically Changing Notion of (Female Bodily) Proportion and Its Relevance to Literature. Perichoresis. 2020. 18. 2. 17-30
Takayuki Yokota-Murakami. Translation and Comparative Literature: A Theoretical Crossroad of Cartesianism, Japanese Linked Poetry, and Postcolonialism. Pacific Coast Philology. 2019. 56-73
Takayuki Yokota-Murakami. English and Cosmopolitanism: Their Significance for the Diasporic Russian-Jewish Literati. Beder Journal of Educational Sciences. 2016. 13. 3. 6-17
Takayuki Yokota-Murakami. Polyglotism of Jewish Latvian Literati and Linguistic Politics of the Periphery. Japanese Slavic and East European Studies. 2015. 36. 47-56
ヨコタ村上 孝之. 現代日本文学におけるバイリンガリズムについて. Crossroads of Civilisations: In Search of a Paradigm of Pluralism. 2020. 12. 589-597
ヨコタ村上 孝之. 学会賞 高橋知之氏の著書『ロシア近代文学の青春』に学会賞. ロシア語ロシア文学研究 = Bulletin of the Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature = Бюллетень Японской ассоциации русистов. 2020. 52. 294-296