J-GLOBAL ID:200901015234004986
Update date: Dec. 23, 2008
Noyama Kasho
ノヤマ カショウ | Noyama Kasho
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Literature - Japanese
Research keywords (2):
, Japanese Modern literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (19):
夏目漱石「彼岸過迄」(連載第一回) 現在連載継続中. 国文学. 2001. 46. 6. 153-159
Natsume Soseki≪Higan-Sugi-Made≫. 2001. 46. 6. 153-159
川上眉山「観音岩」. 国文学(学燈社). 2000. 45. 1-2. 4-8,10-14 46/1-2,4-5
Kawakami Bizan ≪kannon.Iwa : Kannon Rock≫. 2000. 45. 1-2. 4-8,10-14 46/1-2,4-5
徳富盧花『自然と人生』. 國文學(學燈社). 1999. 44. 4-5. 6-8,10-14
Books (21):
放送大学教育振興会 2002
放送大学教育振興会 2001
Japanese Modern Literature
放送大学教育振興会 2000
Introduction to Japanese Literature
Education (4):
- - 1971 The University of Tokyo
- - 1971 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1959 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
- - 1959 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2):
- (BLANK) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (8):
- 1992 - 1997 The University of Tokyo
- 1992 - 1997 The University of Tokyo,Professor
- 1986 - 1992 The University of Tokyo
- 1986 - 1992 The University of Tokyo,Assistant Professor
- 1973 - 1986 University of Yamanashi
- 1973 - 1986 The university of Yamanashi,Assistant Professor
- 1971 - 1973 The University of Tokyo
- 1971 - 1973 The University of Tokyo,Research Assistant
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Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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