Research field (4):
Architectural and city planning
, Local studies
, Environmental materials/recycling technology
, Environmental load reduction/restoration technology
Research keywords (11):
, アジア
, 都市居住
, 植民都市
, 地域生活空間計画
, Sustainability
, Asia
, Human Settlement
, Townhouse
, Colonial City
, Regional Planning and Environmental Design
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2005 - アジアにおけるポルトガル植民都市の形成と変容に関する比較研究
2005 - Comparative Studies on Formation and Transformation of Portuguese Colonial Cities in Asia
2000 - 木造住居の再生手法に関する研究
2000 - アジアにおけるオランダ植民都市の形成と変容に関する比較研究
2000 - Study on the methods of conservation and revitalization of Wooden Houses
2000 - Comparative Studies on Formation and Transformation of Dutch Colonial Cities in Asia
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Papers (12):
山田協太. 近代都市研究から連環的都市史へ-植民都市から世界の見通しを考える-. 人間圏の探究シリーズ 12(Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies 103/ G-COE Series 101). 2011
Kyota YAMADA. A Review on Historiography of Modern Urban History: Reconsideration of World Perspective from a Viewpoint of Colonial City Studies. Proceedings of The 8th Internaional Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, pp.543-548. 2010
Consideration on Unfolding of South Indian Merchant Activities and Formation of Port City Colombo: A Sketch of Organization and Transformation of Urban Space since the 18th Century
(日本南アジア学会全国大会 2011)
Dutch Overseas Expansion and Laying out of Colonial Cities: Materialization of Simon Stevin's Ideal Model for the Early Capitalist City and its Transformation
(Brain Korea 21 International Symposium: Tradition and Modernity of Architecture and Urbanism in Historic Area 2009)
(日本建築学会大会建築歴史・意匠部門研究協議会 2008)
Considerations on Spatial Formation and Transformation in Pettah (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
(The 6th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia 2006)
Considerations on Block Formation and Residential Typology in Fort Cochin (Kerala, India)
(the 5th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia 2004)