J-GLOBAL ID:200901015421976479
Update date: Jul. 16, 2024 Lopez Mario
ロペズ マリオ | Lopez Mario
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2022 - 2025 Economic-social-environmental connections in rural Southeast Asia: investigating the process of economic growth over a 40-year period
- 2020 - 2023 Corporate food-regimes, food-politics and wellbeing: Deskilling the urban poor in the Global South
- 2018 - 2021 Potential and Performance of Humanosphere in Monsoon Asia
- 2013 - 2016 The Social Bases of Care in Southeast Asia: Study of the Dynamism of Practice Based on Relatedness
- 2011 - 2015 Comparative Studies on Acceptance of Foreign Workers in the Fields of Nursing and Caregiving
Papers (23): -
Mario López, Kono Yasuyuki, Nathan Badenoch. Superando las brechas disciplinarias: cinco décadas de investigación japonesa en el Sudeste Asiático. Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Working Paper Seris. 2022. 15. 1-48
Mario Ivan López and Shun Ohno. The Case of Japan: How COVID-19 Impacted the Procurement and Lives of Migrant Healthcare Workers. The International Journal of Social Quality. 2021. 11. 1-2. 262-288
Mario Lopez, Fujieda Ayako. Evolving Historical Trends in Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS). CESAS NEWSLETTER. 2021. 78. 14-20
Ohno Shun, Mario Lopez. Increasingly Diversified "Care Migration" - A focus on Work and Attitudes under the Coronavirus Pandemic. Centre for Asia Pacific Partnership report. 2021. 18. 33-40
Kono Yasuyuki, Nathan Badenoch, Mario Ivan Lopez. Bridging the Disciplinary Divide: 50 years of Research at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies. Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Working Paper Series No. 8. 2019. 8. 1-42
more... MISC (18): -
Lopez, Mario. Visual Documentary Project (2020) (in Japanese). CSEAS Newsletter. 2021
Lopez, Mario. Societal contributions that go beyond academic disciplinary boundaries: producing knowledge for change. The Source, Springer Nature. 2021
Lopez, Mario. Societal contributions that go beyond academic disciplinary boundaries: producing knowledge for change. The Source Springer Nature. 2021
Mario Lopez. Visual Documentary Project 2019. CSEAS NEWSLETTER (JAPANESE). 2019. 3
Mario Ivan Lopez, Jafar Suryomenggolo. Introduction: Environmental resources use and challenges in contemporary southeast asia. Asia in Transition. 2018. 7. 1-18
more... Books (3): - Manusia, Alam, dan Masyarakat: Kajian Multidisiplin Asia Tenggara
Insist Press 2022 ISBN:9786236179130
- Pancaroba tropika : perubahan lingkungan hidup di Asia Tenggara
INSIST Press 2021 ISBN:9786020857992
- Environmental Resources Use and Challenges in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Tropical Ecosystems in Transition.
Springer Academic 2018
Lectures and oral presentations (24): -
Transformations in Work and Life for Migrant Workers under the Corona Pandemic in Care Facilities
(The Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology 2021)
The Indispensability of Anthropological Fieldwork: Experiences from Researching in Japan under a Pandemic
(Sustainability in Research and Education: Expanding the Field from the Asia Pacific 2021)
Living in Co-existence: Between Japan and the Philippines
Farmer's perceptions and coping strategies of land degradation: insights from marginal uplands in Southern Leyte, Philippines
(ASEAN Research Platform Annual Meeting, CSEAS, Kyoto University 2021)
Transformation of the awareness and practice of care in Japan during the global spread of COVID-19: From the experiences of foreign nurses and care workers
(Seminar on Employment of Foreigners in the Nursing Care Industry 2021)
more... Work history (1): - Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Center for Language Education, Center for Language Education Junior Lecturer
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