J-GLOBAL ID:200901015879368923
Update date: Sep. 14, 2022 Ogata Sumitoshi
オガタ スミトシ | Ogata Sumitoshi
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www-keyaki.ces.kyutech.ac.jp Research field (4):
Measurement engineering
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental impact assessment
, Intelligent informatics
Research keywords (6):
, 知能情報処理
, 計測工学
, Environment Conservation
, Intelligent Signal processing
, Intelligent Instrumentation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (58): -
Dynamic approaches to large Winding of Ocean Current flow by nonlinear, time-frequency methods. IEEE-EURASLP Workshop. 2001
Recognition of non-linear deterministic Structures of Japanes vowels by causal analysis. Int. J. of Chaos Theory and Application. 2001. 6. 1. 55-69
Nonlinea characteristic of EEG time Series and its application to Monitering of brain activity. Int. J. of Chaos Theory and Application. 2000. 5. 4. 39-45
Strange periodic changes in waking EEG and estimation of EEG's deterministic structure in shat time scale. Int. J. of Chaos Theory and Application. 2000. 5. 4. 64-71
Characteristics of tide level affected by Kuroshio. (]G0010[)(]G0006[) IMEKO World Congress. 2000. TC-26. 323-328
more... Books (2): - アトラス[日本列島の環境変化]
(株)朝倉書店 1995
- Atlas[Environmental Change in Modern Japan]
Asekura 1995
Education (2): - - 1967 Hokkaido University School of Engineering
- - 1967 Hokkaido University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1): Committee career (2): - 1993 - 日本リモートセンシング学会 九州支部副支部長
- 1992 - 計測自動制御学会 九州支部事業幹事,全国評議員
Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page