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J-GLOBAL ID:200901016054712008   Update date: Sep. 13, 2022

Tatsuno Masakazu

タツノ マサカズ | Tatsuno Masakazu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 助教授
Research field  (2): Fluid engineering ,  Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research keywords  (2): Fluid mechanics ,  流体力学
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2000 - Study on the Stratified Flow over a Ridge with a Valley
  • 谷のある山岳モデルをすぎる安定成層に関する研究
  • 臨界レイノルズ数領域における直列2円柱まわりの流れ
  • 成層流体中における二次流れの不安定に関する研究
  • Flow around two circular cylinders in a tandem arrangement at the critical Reynolds number regime.
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MISC (24):
  • 鞍部のある山岳モデルをすぎる安定成層流の可視化実験. 九州大学応用力学研究所所報. 2004. 127. 55. 68
  • A visual study of the stratified flow over a ridge with a col. Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Flow Visualization, NOtre Dame, USA, Aug. 2004. 2004. No.053
  • PIV measurements of the stratified flow over a ridge with a col. 5th Int. Symp. Particle Image velocimetry, Busan, Korea. 2003
  • PIV measurements of the stratified flow over a ridge with a col. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Particle Image Velocimetry, Busan, Korea. 2003
  • Effects of interference between two circular cylinders in a tandem arrangement at the critical Reynolds number regime. Proc. 9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh. 2000. 296
Books (2):
  • 可視化情報ライブラリー1 流れの可視化入門(共著)
    朝倉書店 1996
  • 流体力学シリーズ4 流れの可視化(共著)
    朝倉書店 1996
Works (2):
  • 高レイノルズ数下の物体に作用する流体力に関する研究
    2001 -
  • Research on fluid forces exerted on the bodies at high Reynolds number range
    2001 -
Education (3):
  • - 1967 Kyushu University School of Sciences Department of Physics
  • - 1967 Kyushu University Faculty of Science
  • Kyushu University Faculty of Science Physics
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)Science (Kyushu University)
Work history (4):
  • 1967 - 1981 Kyushu University
  • 1967 - 1981 Kyushu University, Research Assistant
  • 1981 - - 九州大学 助教授
  • 1981 - - Kyushu University, Assistant Professor
Association Membership(s) (5):
日本風工学会 ,  可視化情報学会 ,  日本機械学会 ,  日本流体力学会 ,  日本物理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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