Research field (3):
Inorganic materials
, Environmental impact assessment
, Environmental policy and society
- 1999 - Nagoya University Research Center for Advanced Waste and Emission Management
- 1999 - : Professor, Research Center for Advanced Waste and
- 1995 - 名古屋大学理工科学総合研究センター助教授
- 1995 - : Associate professor, Center for Integrated Research
- 1989 - Nagoya University School of Engineering
- 1989 - : Associate Professor, Synthetic Crystal Research
- 1984 - Nagoya University School of Engineering
- 1984 - : Assistant Professor, Synthetic Crystal Research
- 1979 - Nagoya University School of Engineering
- 1979 - : Research Associate, School of Engineering,
- 1972 - Nagoya University School of Engineering
- 1972 - : Research Assistant, School of Engineering,
- Emission Management
- in Science and Engineering
- Laboratory, Nagoya University
- Nagoya University
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, 表面技術協会
, 廃棄物学会
, 日本材料学会
, 日本高圧力学会
, 日本化学会
, 日本セラミックス協会
, 電気化学会
, アメリカセラミックス学会
, The Surface Finishing Society of Japan
, The Society of Materials Science, Japan
, The Japan Society of Waste Management Experts
, The Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy
, The Japan Society of High Pressure and Technology
, The Electrochemical Society of Japan
, The Chemical Society of Japan
, The Ceramic Society of Japan
, The American Ceramic Society