J-GLOBAL ID:200901016594315270
Update date: Oct. 10, 2024 Ikegami Hiroko
イケガミ ヒロコ | Ikegami Hiroko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (5):
20th Century American Art
, Globalization
, Modern Art
, グローバリゼーション
, 現代美術
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (15): -
IKEGAMI HIROKO. "Pop as Translation Strategy: Makishi Tsutomu's Political Pop in Okinawa". ArtMargins. 2018. vol. 7. issue 2. 42-71
IKEGAMI HIROKO. Pollock and the Market: Pricing Abstract Expressionism. Studies in Western Art. 2016. 19. 149-162
IKEGAMI HIROKO. Shinohara Ushio’s Dialogue with American Art: From Imitation Art to Pop Ukiyo-e. Post: Notes on Modern and Contemporary Art around the Globe. 2014
IKEGAMI HIROKO. Lost in Translation? “Twenty Questions to Bob Rauschenberg”. Post: Notes on Modern and Contemporary Art around the Globe. 2014
Hiroko Ikegami. The "Triumph" of Japanese Neo-Pop: A Historical Evaluation. Journal of Korean Association for History of Modern Art. 2011. vol. 12, pp, 221-251
more... MISC (9): -
IKEGAMI HIROKO. 修正主義は修正可能か? 冷戦期の文化外交研究における近年の動向. アステイオン. 2018. 88. 192-99
IKEGAMI HIROKO. "Review: Reiko Tomii's Radicalism in the Wilderness: International Contemporaneity and 1960s Art in Japan". Japanese Studies. 2018. 57. 263-266
Hiroko Ikegami. Takashi Murakami. ARTFORUM INTERNATIONAL. 2016. 54. 6. 232-233
IKEGAMI HIROKO. Fujiko Shiraga: Passages. Artforum. 2015. http://www.artforum.com/passag
IKEGAMI HIROKO. Interview with Edwin Schlossberg. Edwin Schlossberg: Works from 1970-2015. 2015. 2-31
more... Books (21): - Transcultural Intertwinements in East Asian Art and Culture, 1920s-1950s
art + science weimar 2018
- 岡上淑子 全作品
河出書房新社 2018
- アメリカ文化事典
丸善出版 2018
- Jasper Johns: Something Resembling Truth
Royal Academy of Arts, London 2017
- Merce Cunningham: Common Time
Walker Art Center 2017
more... Lectures and oral presentations (57): -
Landscape of Incarceration: Works by Roger Shimomura
(International Workshop, "Landscape in Art, Film and Theatre and New Media" 2019)
(第72回美術史学会全国大会 2019)
(ニューヨーク・アートシーン展 特別講演会 2019)
(文化庁主催シンポジウム「芸術資産をいかに未来に継承発展させるか」 2019)
Is Revisionism Revisable? Issues in Robert Rauschenberg's International Projects
(Summer Lecture at Terra American Art Founation 2018)
more... Education (1): - - 2007 イェール大学 大学院美術史学科博士課程修了
Professional career (2): - 修士(美術史学) (大阪大学)
- Ph.D. (イェール大学)
Work history (1): - Former Institution / Organization Osaka University Graduate School of Letters Division of studies on cultural forms Special Researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Awards (2): - 2016/12 - Suntory Foundation The Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities 『越境と覇権ーロバート・ラウシェンバーグと戦後アメリカ美術の世界的台頭』
- 2006/05 - 美術史学会 『美術史』論文賞 「ロバート・ラウシェンバーグの《ゴールド・スタンダード》:現代美術のグローバル化に関する一試論」
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