J-GLOBAL ID:200901016660355865
Update date: Oct. 18, 2024 Yamagishi Masumi
ヤマギシ マスミ | Yamagishi Masumi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (3):
, Genetics
, Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords (10):
, floral scent
, transcriptional regulation
, flower colour
, Liliaceae
, 園芸学
, 育種学
, ornamental crop
, Horticultural Science
, Plant breeding
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18): - 2022 - 2025 ユリの花成誘導におけるageパスウェイの解明-種子繁殖性ユリの開発は可能か?
- 2019 - 2022 Roles of microRNA on flower color patterning in floricultural plants including lilies
- 2019 - 2020 Study on microRNA involved in flower color pattern development in lilies
- 2015 - 2018 オリエンタルハイブリッド起源種の多様性解析およびユリの栽培化に関わる遺伝子の探索
- 2015 - 2018 ユリのゲノム研究基盤を利用した花色・早晩性・香りの解析
- 2015 - 2017 転写型遺伝子サイレンシング(TGS)によるシンテッポウユリの花色改変
- 2012 - 2015 The establishment of the genome research bases and the evaluation of quantitative traits for flower colors in Lilium
- 2010 - 2011 Characterization of MYB genes regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in Asiatic hybrid lily
- 2008 - 2010 Elucidation of the molecular mechanism involved with the formation of hermaphrodite and unisexual flowers in asparagus.
- 2009 - 札幌キャンパスに自生するクロユリ集団の保全法の確立
- 2005 - 2007 Isolation of genes determining the flower color traits in Asiatic hybrid lily and their characterization by RNAi
- 2005 - 2007 Molecular and biological analyses of a homeotic mutant and the regulation of floral organ formation in asparagus
- 2005 - 2006 クラスター根の形態形成に関与する遺伝子のRNAiによるスクリーニングと機能解析
- 1999 - 2001 Molecular linkage map construction and mapping genes for useful traits in Asiatic hybrid lily
- 1993 - 1997 白山山系における高山植物の多様性の解明と遺伝子資源の保全法の確立に関する研究
- 1997 - イネ葯培養に応答する遺伝子のマッピングと機能解析
- 1993 - 1994 RAPD法によるユリ属の原種および交配種の識別
- 1992 - 1993 ユリ属のDNAフィンガープリント法の開発
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Papers (74): -
Masumi Yamagishi, Toshikazu Nomizu, Takashi Nakatsuka. Overexpression of Lily MicroRNA156-Resistant SPL13A Stimulates Stem Elongation and Flowering in Lilium formosanum under Non-Inductive (Non-Chilling) Conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2024. 15. 1456183
Masumi Yamagishi, Yu Bai, Toshikazu Nomizu. Development of a lily tepal-specific MYB12 promoter and analysis of its activities in transgenic lily and tobacco plants. Scientia Horticulturae. 2024. 337. 113536-113536
Masumi Yamagishi. Mechanisms by Which High Temperatures Suppress Anthocyanin Coloration in Flowers and Fruits, and Discovery of Floricultural Crops that Exhibit High-Temperature-Tolerant Flower Pigmentation. The Horticulture Journal. 2024. 93. 3. 203-215
Masumi Yamagishi, Yutaka Jitsuyama, Yoichiro Hoshino. Agronomic performance in tetraploid Lilium leichtlinii: larger flowers and earlier flowering. Euphytica. 2023. 219. 12. 126
Yuka Inada, Naomi Oyama-Okubo, Masumi Yamagishi. Introduction of Floral Scent Traits into Asiatic Hybrid Lilies (Unscented) by Crossbreeding with Lilium cernuum (Scented). The Horticulture Journal. 2023. 92. 4. 485-492
more... MISC (14): -
山岸真澄. ユリ野生種の遺伝資源としての利用. 農業および園芸. 2018. 93. 7. 576-581
近藤哲也・吉田恵理・山岸真澄・愛甲哲也. 利尻島に生育する栽培ヒナゲシ種子の札幌市における播種時期が発芽に及ぼす影響および生活史. 利尻研究. 2012. 31. 7-17
山岸 真澄. スカシユリ花色の遺伝様式. 農業および園芸. 2005. 80. 12. 1267-1271
Junqi Liu, Masumi Yamagishi, Claudia Uhde-Stone, Bruna Bucciarelli, Deborah Samac, Deborah Allan, Carroll Vance. Shoot signals and molecular regulation of P-deficiency induced genes in cluster roots of white lupin. Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection. Proceedings of the 15th Plant Nutrition Colloquium. 2005. 94-96
Masumi Yamagishi, Akira Nakatsuka. Genetic analysis of floral pigmentation in Asiatic hybrid lily: mapping trait loci and candidate gene mapping approach. Proceedings of 10th International Congress of SABRAO, A-08, The Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania. 2005
more... Books (6): - Virus-induced gene silencing in lilies using Cucumber Mosaic Virus vectors. In: Courdavault V., Besseau S. (eds) Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Plants: Methods and Protocols.
Humana Press 2020
- 4.3 Floriculture. In: Frontiers of Agricultural Science
Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University 2015
- 鈴木正彦編、農学基礎シリーズ園芸学の基礎
農文協 2012
- イネの葯培養能力を支配する染色体領域(大川安信・岡成美編,第39回日本育種学会シンポジウム報告第2部・植物体再分化-ゲノムと遺伝子発現,育種学最近の進歩第39集)
日本育種学会 1997
- クロユリ(3倍体クロユリ)(農文協編,農業技術体系花卉編第5巻草花類の培養苗生産)
農文協 1997
more... Professional career (1): - PhD (Agriculture) (Kyoto University)
Committee career (2): - 2012/10 - 2015/09 園芸学会 園芸学研究編集委員
- 2006/10 - 2009/09 園芸学会 英文誌(JJSHS)編集委員
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 園芸学会
, 日本育種学会
, Japanese Society of Plant Physiolosists
, Japanese Society of Horticultural Science
, Japanese Sciety of Breeding Science
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