- Ogawa Hiroshi
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
自由電子レーザー 原子核物理 スピン偏極 加速器 β-NMR, Free-Electron-Laser
- Ishimoto Shigeru
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
液体水素アブソーバー, 超流動ヘリウム, 固体水素, 低温ターゲット, LH<sub>2</sub>Absorber, Super fluid helium, Solid hydrogen, cryo-target
- Yogo Katsunori
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
イメージング, ナノテクノロジー, 生物物理, Radiation Biology, DNA damage, Cherenkov emission, Scintillator, Radiation Therapy, Nano medicine, Medical Physics