J-GLOBAL ID:200901016769692535
Update date: Sep. 19, 2022 Yahata Masahiko
ヤハタ マサヒコ | Yahata Masahiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (2):
, Northern Irish Novels
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 1988 - 2026 George A. Birmingham and Northern Irish Novels
- 1998 - ジョージ・A・バーミンガムを中心とする北アイルランド小説の研究
- 1998 - An Irish Writer, George A. Birmingham and the Irish Political Problem
MISC (35): -
YAHATA Masahiko. George A. Birmingham, Spanish Gold (1908) and A Sea Battle (1948) : What the Adventures of J.J. Meldon and Major Kent Mean. Bulletin of Beppu University Junior College. 2008. 27. 27. 29-36
Masahiko Yahata. "George A. Birmingham, Spanish Gold(1908) and A Sea Battle(1948): What the Adventures of J.J. Meldon and Major Kent Mean". Bulletin of Beppu University Junior College. 2008. 27. 29-36
Masahiko Yahata. "Christian Virtues in Humor: A Reassessment of George A. Birmingham, General John Regan(1913)". 別府大学短期大学部紀要. 2007. 26. 73-82
Masahiko Yahata. "Good Intentions Prevailing Over Antagonism: George A. Birmingham's Political Fiction and Humorous Fictiion". 別府大学短期大学部紀要. 2005. 24. 65-77
Masahiko Yahata. "Good Intentions Prevailing Over Antagonism: George A. Birmingham's Political Fiction and Humorous Fiction". Bulletin of Beppu University Junior College. 2005. 24. 24. 65-77
more... Books (3): - (共著)アイルランド・ケルト文化を学ぶ人のために
世界思想社 2009 ISBN:9784790714026
- 北アイルランド小説の可能性-融和と普遍性の模索-
渓水社 2003 ISBN:4874407862
- Potential in Northern Irish Fiction: Quests for Reconciliation and Universality
Keisuisha 2003 ISBN:4874407862
Lectures and oral presentations (5): -
"The Captain and the Enemy-George A. BirminghmとGraham Greene-
(2009アイルランド年次大会 2009)
"The Captain and the Enemy" : George A. Birmingham and Graham Greene
(2009 Japan-Ireland Society Conference 2009)
How General John Regan(1913) Appeals to Universal Minds
(Memorial Lecture to George A. Birmingham Short Story Competition 2005)
George A. Birmingham, The Northern Iron and the 1798 Rebellion
(1998 IASIL International Conference 1998)
Glenn Patterson, The Third Party(2007): Outer Calmness and Inner Conflict?
(2007 IASIL JAPAN Conference)
Works (2): -
2008 -
Reading Irish Literature: George A. Birmingham
2008 -
Education (4): - - 1983 Keio University Graduate School of Letters
- - 1983 Keio University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1980 Keio University Faculty of Letters
- - 1980 Keio University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1): - Master of Arts (Keio University)
Work history (7): - 2007 - 現在 Beppu University Junior College
- 2007 - 現在 Professor, Beppu University Junior College
- 1996 - 2006 Beppu University Junior College
- 1996 - 2006 Associate Professor, Beppu University Junior
- 1983 - 1995 Beppu University Junior College
- 1983 - 1995 Lecturer, Beppu University Junior College
- College
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本英文学会九州支部
, Japan-Ireland Society
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