Research keywords (5):
, フランス
, 植民地史
, Modern and Contemporary History of France
, French colonial history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16):
2021 - 2025 The First World War and "Warculture"-Forming a mentality that hates enemy and i mpact on the Postwar Society
2018 - 2023 フランスにおけるもう一つのマイノリティ-黒人、国民史、歴史認識
2014 - 2018 France's Colonial History and its Perceptions --- Focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa
2013 - 2018 Comparative Colonial History: Colonial Administration and Center-Periphery Interactions in Modern Empires
2013 - 2017 Towards a "Transcivilization" Approach to History in a Multi-polar World
2009 - 2012 Historical research on genocidal phenomena in the modern world
2009 - 2012 Comprehensive Research on Empire and Commonwealth: Focusing on Their Roles in the Formation of Contemporary International Orders
2007 - 2010 Studies on "Colonial Responsibilities"in the History of Decolonization
2007 - 2009 European/Japanese Colonialisms and 'Modernity' : Towards the Construction of an Holistic Paradigm for Comparative Research
2005 - 2007 Rethinking French History of the 20th Century-Transitions of the Colonial Empire and European Unification
2004 - 2006 A Comparative Study of Decolonization in Light of "Colonial Responsibility"
2003 - 2005 The aspects of a public sphere crossing the nation-state in a process of the globalization ; A study of the comparison historical sociology on "colony" and "city"
2002 - 2004 Colony and Metropolis within Empire-Historical Anthropological Studies of Sovereignty Systems between Boundaries
1999 - 2001 Colony and Metropolis within Empire -----Anthropological and historical studies of the development of the system of government under empire
平野, 千果子. 連鎖するディアスポラ-フランス領カリブ海からのまなざし-Le diaspora enchaîné : un regard sur les Antilles françaises. 武蔵大学人文学会雑誌 : The Journal of Human and Cultural Sciences. 2021. 52. 1,2. 1-19
平野 千果子. ナポレオン期の奴隷植民地グアドループ : 周縁部をめぐる歴史の語り. 武蔵大学人文学会雑誌 = The journal of human and cultural sciences / 武蔵大学人文学会 編. 2019. 50. 3・4. 1-28