Supprespive effects of CPPV on lighification of xylom parenchymatous cells and on hollowing in the root of Japaese radish (Rophanus sativvs L.) Scicntia Horticulturae 65 : 117-124
1996 -
Roles of endogenous cytokinin in the development of hollowing in the root of Japanese radish (Raphanus sativvs L.) Scientia Horticulturae 65 : 106/116
1996 -
Effects of Soil temperature on hellowness in Japanese radish (Raphanus sativvs L. cv. Gensuke). Scientia Horticulturae 61 : 157-166
1995 -
Education (4):
- 1975 Kyoto University
- 1975 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
- 1970 Nagoya University School of Agricultural Sciences