J-GLOBAL ID:200901017713917883
Update date: Sep. 09, 2024 Sawada Ken
サワダ ケン | Sawada Ken
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1): http://www.ep.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~sawadak/ Research field (4):
Solid earth science
, Biogeoscience
, Ecology and environmental science
, Space and planetary science
Research keywords (17):
, organic sedimentology
, microalgae
, kerogen
, Resistant macromolecule
, Molecular fossil
, Paleoclimatology
, biomarker
, Paleoceanography
, Organic Geochemistry
, Geomacromolecule
, Paleobiology
, Paleovegetation
, Paleothermometry
, Sediment
, Paleoecology
, Paleoenvironment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (28): - 2022 - 2026 Elucidation of variation in marine primary production and biogeochemical linkages between land and ocean in North Pacific Ocean during the Neogene
- 2022 - 2026 Elucidation of the variation in marine primary production and the land-ocean biogeochemical linkage in North Pacific Ocean
- 2021 - 2025 Environmental changes during the Latest Cretaceous Mass Extinction Event recorded in the complete K/Pg boundary sequence discovered firstly in East Asia
- 2020 - 2024 Forest devastation during extreme greenhouse climate
- 2017 - 2020 Comparative Biology of Parmales and diatoms to explore the origin and sucess of diatoms
- 2018 - 2020 有機分子古植生解析法の高精度化と北日本における過去500万年間の古植生変動の復元
- 2014 - 2018 Biology of Pramles, a sister picoplanktonic group of diatoms
- 2014 - 2017 North American ice sheet dynamics and marine paleoenvironmental changes from the sedimentary record in the Gulf of Alaska
- 2014 - 2016 Reconstruction of variations in paleovegetation during the Quaternary by analysis of plant-derived organic molecule in the deep sea drilling sediment cores from the Atlantic Ocean and Japan Sea
- 2010 - 2015 海洋ハプト藻類のアルケノン合成経路の解明と基盤技術の開発
- 2012 - 2014 Early evolution of primitive angiosperms during Jurassic and Cretaceous in Mongolia
- 2011 - 2014 未知の藻類:パルマ藻が解き明かす海洋を支える珪藻の進化
- 2011 - 2013 Warming pulse triggered by CO2 released during LIP formation: evaluating 20 kyr event during Cretaceous OAE2
- 2011 - 2013 Parmales: an insight into the origin and evolutionary success of diatoms
- 2011 - 2013 Precise reconstruction of variation in paleovegetation during Cretaceous hot period by analyses of terrestrial plant-derived organic molecules in sediments
- 2010 - 2012 Verification of the mid-Cretaceous "Mega-monsoon Event"
- 2009 - 2011 Establishment of the Cretaceous standard, integrated stratigraphy in the North Pacific
- 2008 - 2010 Reconstruction of variation in microbial assemblage by sedimentary quinone analysis
- 2010 - Fundamental study on algal lipid with reference to application to bio-oil resource
- 2006 - 2008 Global climate change and increased primary production on land duringthe Cenozoic
- 2006 - 2007 植物化石有機分子からの白亜紀陸上生態系変動の復元
- 2004 - 2005 高等植物化石ポリマーの解析からの白亜紀陸域生物圏進化の解明
- 2003 - 2005 High resolution analysis of paleoenvironment and material transport during the hot-house Earth system
- 2003 - Molecular paleontology and paleobiology of resistant macromolecule in plant fossil
- 2001 - 2002 自然界に存在する巨大分子の地球化学的研究
- 2000 - Biogeochemical studies on terrestrial ecosystem evolution, with respect to its effect in earth's environment
- 2000 - Biogeochemical studies on geomacromolecule in sediment and fossil
- 1996 - Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatological reconstructions by biomarkers in sediment and fossil.
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Papers (75): -
Reishi Takashima, D. Selby, T. Yamanaka, Y. Kuwahara, H. Nakamura, K. Sawada, M. A. Ikeda, T. Ando, K. Hayashi, M. Nishida, et al. Large igneous province activity drives oceanic anoxic event 2 environmental change across eastern Asia. Communications Earth & Environment. 2024
Hiroyasu Asahi, Ken Sawada. High abundances of degraded triterpenoids in Miocene turbiditic sediments of south-central Hokkaido, Japan. Organic Geochemistry. 2024. 188. 104671-104671
Gen Sakugawa, Masashi A. Ikeda, Takuto Ando, Reishi Takashima, Hiroshi Nishi, Ken Sawada. Evaluation of fossil geomacromolecular sources by the pyrolysis of density fractions of kerogens from Cretaceous and Miocene organic-rich marine shales. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL. 2024. 58. 4. 138-154
GC-MS analysis of long chain alkyl diols and hydroxy alkenoates in surface sediment from the Northwest Pacific off the coast of Sanriku and culture samples of diatom Proboscia alata. 2023. 39. 2. 69-85
Muhammad Adam Ismail, Hiroyasu Asahi, Ken Sawada. Transport and depositional processes of organic matter evaluated by biomarker profiles in Miocene turbiditic sequences from Hokkaido, Japan. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY. 2023. 454
more... MISC (21): -
Takashima, Reishi, Selby, David, Yamanaka, Toshiro, Kuwahara, Yoshihiro, Nakamura, Hideto, Sawada, Ken, Ikeda, Masashi A, Ando, Takuto, Hayashi, Keiichi, Nishida, Mari, et al. Multi-proxy dataset of mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 for the Omagari-zawa section, Hokkaido, Japan. PANGAEA. 2024
池田雅志, 沢田健, 安藤卓人, 中村英人, 高嶋礼詩, 高嶋礼詩, 西弘嗣. Reconstruction and comparison of paleovegetation changes by biomarker analysis during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events in the Tomamae area, Hokkaido and California, North America. 日本地質学会学術大会(Web). 2023. 130th
池田雅志, 沢田健, 安藤卓人, 高嶋礼詩, 西弘嗣. Reconstruction of fungal flora changes by fungal palynomorph analysis in the sediments deposited during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events. 日本地質学会学術大会(Web). 2022. 129th
池田雅志, 原勇貴, 安藤卓人, 沢田健. Oxygen-containing aromatic compounds detected in the Mesoproterozoic sedimentary rocks, Northwest Greenland: The origins and significance for earth’s history. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2022. 2022
安藤卓人, 新村龍也, 沢田健. 足寄産、漸新世鯨類椎骨化石の脂肪酸分析~骨化石中の脂肪酸の起源と保存機構. 足寄動物化石博物館紀要. 2014. 7. 3-10
more... Books (6): - 古生物学の百科事典
丸善出版 2023 ISBN:9784621307588
- 北海道大学自然科学実験編集委員会 編 自然科学実験
学術図書出版社 2016
- Handbook of Algea - Their Diversity and Utilization
NTS Inc. 2012 ISBN:9784864690027
- 地球惑星科学入門
北海道大学出版会 2010
- 地球と生命の進化学
北海道大学出版会 2008 ISBN:9784832981836
more... Lectures and oral presentations (77): -
Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental variations in sea surface layer of the northwestern Pacific around the Hidaka basin (paleo-Hokkaido) during the late Miocene
(Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan 2022)
Palynomorph assemblage in sedimentary rocks of the Mesoproterozoic Qaanaaq Formation from northwestern Greenland.
(日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2020)
(日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2019)
Terrestrial plant-derived terpene hydrocarbons in deep sea sediment
(Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan 2019)
Proposed indicators of primary producer community using steroid composition: Comparison with diatom assemblage in surface sediments of the Seto Inland Sea
(Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan 2019)
more... Education (4): - 1993 - 1997 Nagoya University Graduate School of Science Doctor Course
- - 1997 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1991 Shinshu University Faculty of Science
- - 1991 Shinshu University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): - 1998 Doctor of Science (Nagoya University) (Nagoya University)
Work history (7): - 2020 - 現在 Hokkaido University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science Professor
- 2015 - 2020 Hokkaido University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science Associate Professor
- 2013 - 2015 Hokkaido University Department of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science Associate Professor
- 2006 - 2012 Hokkaido University Lecturer
- 2001 - 2006 Hokkaido University Lecturer
- 1997 - 2000 University of Tsukuba Department of Chemistry
- 1997 - 2000 1997- Researcher,1997-2000 Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba.
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Committee career (14): - 2023/06 - 現在 日本地質学会北海道支部 支部長
- 2020 - 現在 日本地球掘削科学コンソーシアム(J-DESC) IODP部会 執行委員会委員
- 2014 - 現在 日本地質学会 理事
- 2013 - 現在 日本有機地球化学会 理事
- 2013 - 現在 日本有機地球化学会 Researches in Organic Geochemistry編集委員長
- 2008 - 現在 日本地球化学会 英文誌「Geochemical Journal」編集委員
- 2012 - 2015 日本地質学会北海道支部 庶務幹事
- 2007 - 2012 日本有機地球化学会 Researches in Organic Geochemistry編集委員
- 2004 - 2011 最高裁判所職員(事務官) 採用試験委員会委員
- 2008 - 2010 日本古生物学会 将来計画委員会
- 2006 - 2010 日本地球化学会 和文誌「地球化学」編集委員
- 2006 - 2008 IODP 科学推進専門部会・地球環境分科会委員
- 2006 - 2007 日本地球化学会 将来計画委員会委員
- 2004 - 2006 統合深海掘削計画(IODP) 科学立案評価パネル(SSEP)代理委員
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Awards (2): - 2023/07 - Communications Earth & Environment Outstanding Reviewer Award
- 2021 - 日本有機地球化学会 2021年有機地球化学会賞(学術賞)
Association Membership(s) (8):
, American Geophysical Union
, 日本有機地球化学会
, 日本地質学会
, 日本地球化学会
, European Association of Organic Geochemists
, 日本古生物学会
, The Japanese Association of Organic Geochemists
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