Research keywords (1):
feminist geography, social geography, urban geography, economic geography, gender
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2022 - 2025 コロナ禍において困窮する人びと-地域社会および地域労働市場の分析を通じて-
2018 - 2022 Reconstructing Places in Rikuzentakata, a Tsunami hit area of the Great East Japan Disaster: Highlighting a Geography of Emotion, Body, Gender and Fudo (milieu)
2017 - 2021 日本における遊興街の生成・維持-戦後から現在までの都市空間誌-
2014 - 2017 Process of inequality in local community: focusing on social space with regard to various differences
2011 - 2014 A human geography study of the Lost Decade : through a gender analysis of regional economics
2011 - 2013 The life-histories of elderly people viewed from experiences of space/place : addressing the challenge of geography of the elderly
2007 - 2010 Commercializing Women in Urban Spaces : Socio-historical Geography of the U.S. Military Base and Neighboring Amusement Center
2003 - 2005 The explanation of power relations in spaces and places : a case study of Okinawa from the viewpoints of feminist geographers
2000 - 2002 An analysis of geographical spaces from the viewpoint of gender
1996 - 1996 宅配便産業における既婚女性の行動空間
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Papers (13):
YOSHIDA Yoko. Gender Geography in Japan: the Trajectory, Fruits of Research and Future Challenges. Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. 2019. 26
YOSHIDA Yoko. Geography of Gender and Qualitative Methoda in Japan: Focusing on Studies that have Analyzed Life Histories. Geographical Review of Japan, Ser.B. 2017. 89. 1. 4-13
YOSHIDA Yoko. History of the Formation of Entertainment Districts in Sasebo City during the Postwar Years::A Focus on the Relationships among Various Agents. Urban Geography. 2015. 10. 0. 61-77
YOSHIDA Yoko. Reaction of Local Community against a Facility for U.S. Forces and the Neighboring Amusement Street : The Case of Nara Rest and Recuperation Center. GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES. 2010. 65. 4. 245-265