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J-GLOBAL ID:200901018889514030   Update date: Dec. 12, 2024

Miura Reiichi

ミウラ レイイチ | Miura Reiichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (2): Cultural anthropology and folklore ,  Conservation science (plants)
Research keywords  (5): Rice ,  Agricultural history ,  Ethnobotany ,  Plant ecology ,  Weed ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (9):
  • 2012 - 2017 Development of practical techniques and horizontal technology transfer towards livelihood improvement and ecosystems conservation in poverty areas of Afro-Eurasia
  • 2013 - 2017 Development of the method for an evaluation of weed tolerance of rice varieties based on inter-variety competition
  • 2008 - 2011 Approaches of technology transfer to prevent desertification in semi-arid West Africa
  • 2007 - 2008 Evolution, diversification and maintenance mechanism of the weediness supergene in pearl millet
  • 2005 - 2006 The structure and function of "weediness supergene" responsible for the crop-weed complex of pearl millet
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Papers (44):
  • Shota Sakaguchi, Shigeru Fukumoto, Kazutoshi Masuda, Hiroaki Setoguchi, Shun K. Hirota, Yoshihisa Suyama, Daisuke Fujiki, Reiichi Miura, Kazuki Yamamoto, Misyo Ota, et al. Evaluating the potential of interpopulation outbreeding to rescue plant populations facing reproductive failures. Ecological Research. 2024
  • Kazutoshi Masuda, Hiroaki Setoguchi, Koki Nagasawa, Shigeru Fukumoto, Masae Iwamoto Ishihara, Rei-ichi Miura, Leiko Mizusawa, Ken-ichi Hiratsuka, Shota Sakaguchi. Identification of management units in threatened populations of <i>Arnica mallotopus</i> Makino (Asteraceae) using novel EST-SSR markers. Genes & Genetic Systems. 2021. 96. 3. 159-164
  • Reiichi MIURA. Katakago, sumira, mukago - an etymological stroll into Japanese ethnobotany. LIBRARY iichiko. 2019. 144. 24-48
  • Miura Reiichi. The change of the interpretation of the Japanese agricultural proverb "A good farmer removes weeds before seeing weeds". J. Weed Sci. Tech. 2015. 60. 2. 54-57
  • Miura Reiichi. The origin of the Japanese agricultural proverb "A good farmer removes weeds before seeing weeds" found in an old Chinese agricultural treatise. J. Weed Sci. Tech. 2015. 60. 2. 50-53
MISC (22):
Books (8):
  • インダス-南アジア基層世界を探る
    京都大学学術出版会 2013
  • Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa -Vol. 1.
  • 身近な自然の保全生態学
    培風館 2010
  • 農業と雑草の生態学
    文一総合出版 2007
  • 雑穀の自然史-その起源と文化を求めて-
    北海道大学図書刊行会 2003
Works (1):
  • Fakara Plants: A Photographic Guide to Common Plants of Sahel
    Tobita S, R. Miura 2005 -
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Agriculture (Kyoto University)
Work history (1):
  • 2015/04 - 現在 Ryukoku University Faculty of Agriculture Associate Professor
Committee career (1):
  • 2018/04 - 現在 日本雑草学会 和文誌編集委員長
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本生態学会 ,  日本植物分類学会 ,  日本雑草学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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