J-GLOBAL ID:200901019120446089
Update date: Mar. 03, 2025 INOUE Ryô
イノウエ リョウ | INOUE Ryô
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Deputy Chief
Homepage URL (1): https://tvtopic.goo.ne.jp/kansai/cast/816931/ Research field (4):
, Sociology/history of science and technology
, History - Japan
, Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (7):
Optical microscope
, Microscopy
, Statistics Chinese philosophy
, Kaitokudo
, Sinology
, Ancient Chinese political ideology
, History, Modern 1601-
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2008 - 2009 Digitization of materials of NAKAI Riken
- 2000 - 2001 周末漢初における「格言集」の形成と展開-新出土資料より見た-
Papers (46): -
新城新蔵の『左伝』年代論への若干の疑問. Kaitokudo Kenkyu. 2024. 15. 81-97
INOUE, Ryo. (孫皓「爾汝歌」の押韻について). Chinese and Oriantal Studies. 2023. 129. 95-105
西周の三川と河南の三川と. Bulletin of Chinese Studies. 2023. 69. 253-266
INOUE, Ryo. 『孝経』各章の字数に関する試論. Chinese and Oriantal Studies. 2022. 126. 103-116
《礼记·经解》脱一简. 2021. 80. 21-24
more... MISC (28): -
井上 了. 〈資料報告〉中井履軒『典謨接』排印本(『松雲堂娯刻書』第五、昭和十二年). 懐徳. 2023. 91. 65-70
INOUE, Ryo. Microscope, Tanaka's. Heritage of Analytical and Scentific Instruments. 2017
INOUE, Ryo. Was Kaitokudo closed in 1869?. Kaitoku. 2016. 84. 60-64
K.Nakajima, H.Dan, A.Uema, T.Ikejiri, H.Tanaka, C.Marumi, Y.Wada, N.Iseki, Y.Nagao, R.Inoue. Development and application of e-learning system for medical safety education. Patient Safety & Quality Award 2014. 2014. 99-108
Inoue, Ryo. タイトル(日本語)または(英語)のどちらかは、必ず入力してください。. 2013
more... Books (10): - Heritage of Analytical and Scentific Instruments
Japan Anatytical Instruments Manufacture's Association, Japan Scientific Instruments Association 2017
- Encyclopedia of Kaitokudo (Revised edition)
Osaka University Press 2016 ISBN:487259570X
- Encyclopedia for Sizuka SHIRAKAWA
Heibonsha 2013 ISBN:4582403360
- Introduction of Chinese philosophy
Minerva Shobo 2010 ISBN:4623058204
- Study of Kaitokudo
Kyuko Shoin 2007 ISBN:4762928275
more... Lectures and oral presentations (3): -
(臺灣哲學學會2008年度學術研討會議「科學、規範與實踐理性」 2008)
(先秦思想暨出土文獻國際青年學者學術研討會 2005)
( Nepotism of Mencious )
(53rd Conference of The Sinological Society of Japan 2001)
Education (3): - 1999 - 1999 Osaka University Graduate School of Letters D.C.
- 1997 - 1999 Osaka University Graduate School of Letters M.C.
- 1996 - 1997 Osaka University School of Letters Research Student
Professional career (1): - Master of Literature (Osaka University)
Work history (6): Awards (3): - 2014/04 - Iryou anzen kanri: Kyougikai Patient Safety & Quality Award
- 2013/07 - Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers' Association & Japan Scientific Instruments Association Heritage of Analytical and Scientific Instruments Microscope, Tanaka's
- 2013/05 - Osaka University Recognition of President
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 大阪大学中国学会
, 中国文史哲研究会
, 全国漢文教育学会
, 中国出土資料学会
, The Institute of Eastern Culture
, The Sinological Society of Japan
, The Kansai Branch of the Japan Society of Medical History
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