J-GLOBAL ID:200901019179963133
Update date: May. 06, 2024 Kabir Mahmudul
カビール ムハムドゥル | Kabir Mahmudul
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1): http://kc6.ee.akita-u.ac.jp/ Research field (2):
Measurement engineering
, Electric/electronic material engineering
Research keywords (10):
, non linear materials
, ceramics
, waste water purification
, Microbial Fuel Cell
, ZnO/epoxy composite
, Cs removal
, Zero emission
, 電気・電子部品
, Electronics and Electrical Parts
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18): - 2022 - 2025 Development of flexible ion adsorption electrodes for decontamination by FEM-EK method
- 2019 - 2022 Functionality elucidation of rice husk-derived C/SiOx composite as the anode active material of Li-ion energy storage devices
- 2018 - 2021 Development of flexible ion adsorption electrodes for decontamination by FEM-EK method
- 2018 - 2020 アオコを利用したバイオマス発電の検証
- 2019 - Mineral Liberation by Using Electric Pulse
- 2019 - Study on Microbial Fuel Cell Using Water Blooms
- 2016 - ZnOバリスタ-エポキシ樹脂複合体の基礎特性調査
- 2014 - 2016 Development of Microbial fuel cell by using solubilized activated sludge
- 2013 - 2016 Development of biological protein fractionation and Identification technique by the electromagnetic energy of THz wave
- 2014 - 2016 ゼオライトを利用したセシウム吸着電極の開発と動電処理による除染への応用
- 2015 - Non-Linear properties of ZnO particles
- 2014 - Decontamination from Radioactive materials by FEM-EK Method
- 2013 - 動電法を用いた放射能汚染土壌除染手法の研究
- 2010 - 2012 Study of visualization of protein using an energy of Terahertz wave
- 2010 - 2011 フェライトモーションコントロールによる余剰汚泥の減容化システムの開発
- 2009 - 2011 Construction of the early detection technology of water tree degradation by terahertz imaging
- 余剰汚泥の減容化に関する研究 酸化亜鉛バリスタの非線形特性に関する研究
- Reduction of excess sludge & Characteristics of ZnO particles
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Papers (47): -
Ayaka Kumagai, Mahmudul Kabir, Shogo Okuda, Hitori Komachi, Naoko Obara, Yusuke Sato, Takahiro Saito, Michio Sato, Masahiro Tomioka, Seiji Kumagai, et al. Flexible Ion Adsorption Electrodes Using Natural Zeolite and Rice Husk Charcoal for FEM-EK Treatment. Metals. 2023. 13. 2. 320-320
Yusuke Abe, Masahiro Tomioka, Mahmudul Kabir, Seiji Kumagai. Role of SiO x in rice-husk-derived anodes for Li-ion batteries. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1
Yusuke Abe, Ippei Saito, Masahiro Tomioka, Mahmudul Kabir, Seiji Kumagai. Effects of Excessive Prelithiation on Full-Cell Performance of Li-Ion Batteries with a Hard-Carbon/Nanosized-Si Composite Anode. Batteries. 2022. 8. 11. 210-210
Kyosuke Fukushima, Mahmudul Kabir, Kensuke Kanda, Naoko Obara, Mayuko Fukuyama, Akira Otsuki. Equivalent Circuit Models: An Effective Tool to Simulate Electric/Dielectric Properties of Ores-An Example Using Granite. Materials. 2022
Kyosuke Fukushima, Mahmudul Kabir, Kensuke Kanda, Naoko Obara, Mayuko Fukuyama, Akira Otsuki. Simulation of Electrical and Thermal Properties of Granite under the Application of Electrical Pulses Using Equivalent Circuit Models. Materials. 2022
more... MISC (34): -
小倉一歩, KABIR Mahmudul, 箕輪昌啓, 田中忍, 春日靖宣. Effect of Change in ZnO Microparticle Amount on Electrical Properties of ZnO/Epoxy Composite. 電気学会論文誌 A. 2021. 141. 5
須賀達哉, 小倉一歩, KABIR Mahmudul, 箕輪昌啓, 田中忍, 春日靖宣. Electrical Properties of ZnO Micro Varistors with Different Temperature. 電気学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2021. 2021
福嶋恭介, 神田堅介, 小原直子, KABIR Mahmudul, 大槻晶. Simulation of Electric Properties for Electrical Pulse Liberation of Granite Using Equivalent Circuit Models. 静電気学会講演論文集. 2021. 2021
神田堅介, 福嶋恭介, 小原直子, KABIR Mahmudul, 大槻晶. Comparison of 2D and 3D Equivalent Circuit Models Used in Simulation of Electric Pulse Crushing. 静電気学会講演論文集. 2021. 2021
須賀達哉, KABIR Mahmudul, 田中忍, 春日靖宣. Effect of Temperature Increase on Electrical Properties of ZnO Micro Particles. 電気学会研究会資料(Web). 2021. DEI-21-080-090/EWC-21-018-028
more... Patents (6): Books (3): - Electricity Generation and Hydrogen Production Using Microorganisms
- 電気特性の測定、評価とデータ解釈
技術情報教会 2015
- Waste Water Treatment and Reutilization
Intech 2011
Lectures and oral presentations (76): -
(第36回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会 2022)
(令和4年電気学会全国大会 2022)
森林除染への 水平電極式動電法の適用~土壌の分析
(第11回 福島地区CEセミナー 2021)
森林除染への水平電極式動電法の適用 ~ 電極材料の評価
(第11回 福島地区CEセミナー 2021)
(誘電・絶縁材料/電線・ケーブル合同研究会 2021)
more... Education (4): - 2002 - 2005 Akita University Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science
- - 2005 Akita University
- 2000 - 2002 Akita University Graduate School, Division of Mining
- 1999 - 2000 Akita University Faculty of Mining
Professional career (2): - Doctor (Engineering) (Akita University)
- Msc (Engineering) (Akita University)
Work history (6): Committee career (3): - 2021/04/01 - 現在 電気学会 電気学会東北支部秋田支所長
- 電気学会・静電気学会 会員 会員
- The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and the Institute of Electrostatics Japan Member
Awards (2): - 2017/09/11 - 一般社団法人 静電気学会 論文賞
- 2011/11/10 - ICAE 2011 Outstanding Paper
Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本素材物性学会
, 日本水処理生物学会
, 電気学会・静電気学会
, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and the Institute of Electrostatics Japan
, 水処理生物学会
, 静電気学会
, 電気学会
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