J-GLOBAL ID:200901019434532613
Update date: Feb. 18, 2025 Itami Kenichiro
イタミ ケンイチロウ | Itami Kenichiro
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (2): https://itami-lab.com/
https://itami-lab.com/?lang=en Research field (1):
Synthetic organic chemistry
Research keywords (6):
, Optoelectronic Materials
, Natural Products
, Bio-active Compounds
, Molecular Catalysis
, Organic Synthesis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (23): - 2019 - 2022 Region-selective annulative pi-extension reaction of polycyclic aromatic compounds
- 2019 - 2022 Creation of unexplored molecular nanocarbons
- 2019 - 2021 Synthesis and application of nanocarbons having five-, seven- and eight-membered rings
- 2018 - 2021 多環芳香族の精密合成を基盤とする遷移金属とのハイブリッド触媒の創生
- 2018 - 2020 Visible Light Mediated Cyclodehydrogenation of Arenes
- 2017 - 2020 Synthesis and application of curved nanographene
- 2015 - 2018 Analysis of maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA using developed organelle sorter system
- 2015 - 2018 Development and characterization of small molecules that regulate clock protein function for analysis of the circadian clock mechanism
- 2013 - 2015 酸化的カップリングによる拡張芳香族マテリアルの合成
- 2009 - 2014 炭素ー水素結合変換による統合的合成化学の開拓
- 2008 - 炭素-水素結合活性化のための協奏機能触媒の開発と応用
- 2007 - 新しい炭素ー水素結合活性化触媒の開発と有機エレクトロニクス材料合成への応用
- 2007 - 金属ナノ粒子触媒を用いた芳香環炭素ー水素結合の直接変換法の開発
- 2007 - ヘテロ芳香環の直接アリール化に基づく機能性オリゴアレーン類の合成
- 2007 - ユビキタス結合の触媒的直接変換法の開発と応用
- 2002 - 2006 Exploitation of Fine Molecular Catalysts
- 2002 - 2004 Combination of Reactions and Separations for New Organic Synthesis
- 2004 - 機能性π電子系の多様性指向合成
- 2001 - 2002 Development of Highly Efficient Catalytic C-C Bond-Forming Reactions Bosed or Conplex Induced Proximity Effect
- 2000 - 2000 炭素-ケイ素の軌道を含む新しい共役電子系の創製
- 1999 - 2000 ピリジル基の特性を活かした新規多機能性合成素子の創出
- 1999 - 1999 炭素-ケイ素σ軌道を含む新しい共役電子系の創製
- 1998 - 1998 遷移金属触媒を用いた新規環化付加反応の開発と有機合成への応用
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Papers (249): -
Arvid Herrmann, Krishna Mohan Sepuru, Pengfei Bai, Hitoshi Endo, Ayami Nakagawa, Shuhei Kusano, Asraa Ziadi, Hiroe Kato, Ayato Sato, Jun Liu, et al. Chemical genetics reveals cross-regulation of plant developmental signaling by the immune peptide-receptor pathway. Science advances. 2025. 11. 6. eads3718
Arvid Herrmann, Krishna Mohan Sepuru, Hitoshi Endo, Ayami Nakagawa, Shuhei Kusano, Pengfei Bai, Asraa Ziadi, Hiroe Kato, Ayato Sato, Jun Liu, et al. Chemical genetics reveals cross-activation of plant developmental signaling by the immune peptide-receptor pathway. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2024
Hiroki Shudo, Philipp Wiesener, Elena Kolodzeiski, Kiichi Mizukami, Harry Mönig, Saeed Amirjalayer, Hirotoshi Sakamoto, Henning Klaasen, Bart Jan Ravoo, Nobuo Kimizuka, et al. Thiophene-fused aromatic belts. 2024
Konstantin Günther, Hideya Kono, Hiroki Shudo, Reika Isoda, Masayoshi Nakamura, Akiko Yagi, Kazuma Amaike, Kenichiro Itami. Water-soluble aromatic nanobelt with unique cellular internalization. 2024
Daiki Imoto, Hiroki Shudo, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami. A double-walled noncovalent carbon nanotube by columnar packing of nanotube fragments. 2024
more... MISC (183): -
Yuuta Yano, Nobuhiko Mitoma, Kaho Matsushima, Feijiu Wang, Keisuke Matsui, Akira Takakura, Yuhei Miyauchi, Hideto Ito, Kenichiro Itami. Editorial Expression of Concern: Living annulative π-extension polymerization for graphene nanoribbon synthesis. Nature. 2020. 586. 7828. E13
Kaoru Matsushita, Ryosuke Takise, Tomoya Hisada, Shin Suzuki, Ryota Isshiki, Kenichiro Itami, Kei Muto, Junichiro Yamaguchi. Pd-Catalyzed Decarbonylative C-H Coupling of Azoles and Aromatic Esters. Chemistry - An Asian Journal. 2018. 13. 17. 2393-2396
Yosuke Ota, Shin Miyamura, Misaho Araki, Yukihiro Itoh, Shusuke Yasuda, Mitsuharu Masuda, Tomoyuki Taniguchi, Yoshihiro Sowa, Toshiyuki Sakai, Kenichiro Itami, et al. Design, synthesis and evaluation of γ-turn mimetics as LSD1-selective inhibitors. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 2018. 26. 3. 775-785
Shin Suzuki, Takashi Asako, Kenichiro Itami, Junichiro Yamaguchi. Modular synthesis of heptaarylindole. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2018. 16. 3771-3776
Takashi Asako, Shin Suzuki, Kenichiro Itami, Kei Muto, Junichiro Yamaguchi. Synthesis of a heptaarylisoquinoline: Unusual disconnection for constructing isoquinoline frameworks. Chemistry Letters. 2018. 47. 968-970
more... Patents (5): -
Professional career (1): Work history (6): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 有機合成化学協会
, アメリカ化学会
, 日本化学会
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