J-GLOBAL ID:200901019478110317
Update date: Aug. 19, 2022 Onodera Satoru
オノデラ サトル | Onodera Satoru
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Neuroanatomy and physiology
Research keywords (2):
, Neuroanatomy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - ダルクシュヴィッツ核における線維連絡
- Fibre connections of the nucleus of Darkschewitsch
MISC (19): Books (1): - A projection linking motor cortex with the LM-suprageniculate nuclear complex through the periaqueductal gray area which surrounds the nucleus of Darkschewitsch in the cat
Extrageniculate mechanisms underlying visually guided orientation behavior. Prog. Brain Res. Elsevier 1996
Education (2): - - 1978 Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
- - 1978 Iwate Medical University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 1980 - 2002 Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
- 1980 - 2002 Research Associate, School of Medicine,
- Iwate Medical University
Association Membership(s) (3):
米国神経科学学会(Society for neuroscience)
, 日本神経科学学会
, 日本解剖学会
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