J-GLOBAL ID:200901019645428707
Update date: Aug. 07, 2024 Kato Keiichiro
カトウ ケイイチロウ | Kato Keiichiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Economic history
, History - Japan
Research keywords (2):
, Japanese History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 日本近世近代貨幣金融史に関する研究
- History of Sake Brewing Industry
- Study on Rice Market during the Edo Era.
- Financial History of Japan
MISC (64): -
加藤 慶一郎. 書評 二宮麻里著『酒類流通システムのダイナミズム』. 経営史学 = Japan business history review. 2017. 52. 3. 63-66
加藤 慶一郎. 書評 小林延人著『明治維新期の貨幣経済』 (特集 明治維新史研究のいま). 歴史評論. 2017. 812. 70-74
加藤 慶一郎. Open Seminars on Industry : A half-century of Suzuki Shoten's development : 1874-1927. セミナー年報. 2017. 109-119
KATO Keiichiro. Private notes in early modern Japan:the case of Itami town. SOCIO-ECONOMIC HISTORY. 2016. 81. 4. 503-518
TAKAGI Hisashi, KATO Keiichiro. History of credit transactions in medieval and early modern Japan:focusing on bills and private notes. SOCIO-ECONOMIC HISTORY. 2016. 81. 4. 481-483
more... Books (1): - 近世後期経済発展の構造-米穀・金融市場の展開-
清文堂 2001
Education (4): - - 1993 Kobe University
- - 1993 Kobe University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1988 Kobe University Faculty of Economics
- - 1988 Kobe University Faculty of Economics
Professional career (2): - (BLANK) (Kobe University)
- (BLANK) (Kobe University)
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 歴史科学評議会
, 日本酒造史学会
, 社会経済史学会
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