J-GLOBAL ID:200901019740593898
Update date: Nov. 14, 2024
Sato Yuichi
サトウ ユウイチ | Sato Yuichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor,Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Building structures and materials
Research keywords (4):
, 建築構造
, reinforced concrete
, Building structure
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2018 - 2022 Development of seismic response reduction method for RC buildings using polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete
- 2015 - 2018 Study on change of natural period and pounding of RC residential building collapsed in 1985 Mexico Earthquake
- 2009 - 2011 Extension of discrete-like crack analysis method for RC to hysteresis response analysis
- 2006 - 2007 Use of corrugated steel shear panel in reinforced concrete building structures as a main lateral force resisting component
- 2004 - 2005 有限要素法による鉄筋コンクリートの三次元ひび割れ分布解析手法の開発
- 2004 - 2005 Seismic retrofit schemes for RC building structures using displacement controling devices without bolt anchorage
- 1999 - 2002 Prediction of the behavior and damage of RC members subjected to various loadings
- 1999 - 2001 Mechanical Properties and Stress Transfer Characteristics of Reinforcement Materials for Concrete Demanded by Structural Performance of Frame and Members
- 1996 - 1997 Capacities of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints and the Deformation Characteristics of Frames
- コンクリートのひび割れに関する研究
- Study on Continuous Fiber Reinforced Concrete
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Papers (112):
Y Sato, K Naganuma. Crack Width Analyses of 50-Story Reinforced Concrete Building by Parallelized Discrete-Like Crack Model. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. 2024. 150. 6. 05024001
Yuichi Sato. Drop-Weight Impact Loading of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete Wall after One-Year Drying Shrinkage. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2020. 18. 12. 794-807
宇野 謙史, 佐藤 裕一, 長沼 一洋, 金子 佳生. 23028 乾燥収縮を受けた耐震壁への衝撃載荷時挙動に関する研究 その4 乾燥収縮期間を1年とした実験. 構造IV. 2020. 2020. 55-56
春名 秀一郎, 田嶋 和樹, 長沼 一洋, 佐藤 裕一. 23030 乾燥収縮を受けた耐震壁への衝撃載荷時挙動に関する研究 その6 パラメータ解析. 構造IV. 2020. 2020. 59-60
佐藤 裕一, 宇野 謙史, 長沼 一洋, 金子 佳生. 23029 乾燥収縮を受けた耐震壁への衝撃載荷時挙動に関する研究 その5 実験結果と三次元有限要素解析. 構造IV. 2020. 2020. 57-58
MISC (47):
Improvement of Crack Width Estimation Procedure of Finite Element Method for Reinforced Concrete. 2013. 18. 4p
SATO Yuichi, MORI Koji, KANEKO Yoshio. 23220 Structural test of mortar-based fiber reinforced cementitious composites and steel chip reinforced cementitious composite : Part 1: Outline of pull-out bond tests. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting. 2013. 2013. 453-454
MORI Koji, SATO Yuichi, KANEKO Yoshio. 23221 Structural test of mortar-based fiber reinforced cementitious composites and steel chip reinforced cementitious composite : Part 2: Results and discussions on pull-out bind tests. Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting. 2013. 2013. 455-456
八十島 章, 佐藤 裕一, 金久保 利之. 第4回コンクリートの付着に関する国際会議 (Bond in Concrete 2012) の概要. コンクリート工学 = Concrete journal. 2012. 50. 11. 1051-1054
Sato Yuichi, Shima Hiroshi, Kanakubo Toshiyuki. Japan Concrete Institute TC Activities on Bond Behavior and Constitutive Laws in RC (Part 1 Research Survey on Bond Problems). Proceedings of Bond in Concrete 2012,1, pp. 89-96. 2012
Education (4):
- - 1994 Kyoto University
- - 1994 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1992 Nagoya Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering Dept. of Architecture & Civil Engneering
- - 1992 Nagoya Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Engineering (Kyoto University)
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本コンクリート工学協会
, 日本建築学会
, Japan Society of Material Science
, Japan Concrete Institute
, Architectural Institute of Japan
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