The University of Shimane
The University of Shimane Graduate School of North East Asia and Development Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2018 - 2023 A Historical Study on the Transition of Institutional Korean Language Education and its Influential Factors until the 1960s
Papers (20):
Oh Daewhan, Choi, Jeongdoh. A Study of A Language Book of Korean by Allen, the first Missionary. Language and Information Society. 2021. 42. 149-178
Oh Daewhan. A study on "FIFTY HELPS FOR THE BEGINNER IN THE USE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE" As a Korean Language Study Book for Missionary. The Language and Culture. 2019. 15. 1. 203-222
呉大煥、朴鐘厚. 일본 대학의 비전공 한국어 이수자들의 학습 동기를 중심으로 한 관련 항목 분석 -한국 관련 경험을 변인으로 고려한 분석-. 韓国言語文化教育学会誌『言語と文化』. 2015. 11. 2. 193-219
Oh Daewhan. The Study of the Reasons of the Decline of Korean Language Education by Christian Missionaries in Korea under Japanese Rule. The Language and Culture. 2014. 10. 3. 141-166
呉 大煥. 해방 후의 기독교 선교사를 위한 한국어교육기관의 역사적 의미 -Korean Language School(1949-1958)- (解放後の基督教宣教師のための韓国語教育機関の歴史的意味)(査読付). 韓国言語文化教育学会誌『言語と文化』. 2013. 9. 2. 173-191