J-GLOBAL ID:200901021162660042
Update date: Sep. 28, 2022 Nishimura Hideki
ニシムラ ヒデキ | Nishimura Hideki
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Sports science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 遊びの日本的特性
- Japanese specificities of play
MISC (27): -
大相撲における立ち合いの文化論-同調と競争の統合. スポーツ社会学研究. 2001. 9. 37-49
NISHIMURA Hideki. A Culture Theory about"Tachiai"in Professional Japanese Wrestling"Sumo" : The Integration of Alignment and Competition. Japan Journal of Sport Sociology. 2001. 9. 37-49
西村 秀樹. 伝統的スポーツ文化としての相撲-日本的スポーツの成立についての一考察-. 九州体育・スポーツ学研究. 1997. 11. 1. 41-49
Professional Japanese Wrestling "Sumo" as Traditional Sport Culture : A Study about the Formation of Japanese Sport. Kyushu J. Phys. Educ. Sports. 1997. 11. 1. 41-49
遊びの文化基盤. 高知女子大学紀要 人文・社会科学編. 1996. 44. 25-39
more... Books (2): - 日本人の遊びの古層-折口学を基軸に-
不昧堂出版、菅原禮編「スポーツ社会学への招待」掲 1990
- An old classes of Japanese Play-In accordance with Origuchi-theory-
Education (4): - - 1984 University of Tsukuba
- - 1984 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Physical Fitness and Science
- - 1977 Hiroshima University School of Education
- - 1977 Hiroshima University Faculty of Education
Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (University of Tsukuba)
Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page