Research field (5):
Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
, Virology
, Bacteriology
- 2003 - - 兵庫大学 名誉教授
- 2003 - - Professor Emeritus of Hyogo University
- 1987 - 2001 兵庫女子短期大学(現兵庫大学短期大学部) 教授
- 1987 - 2001 Hyogo Women's College, Professor
- 2001 - - 兵庫大学健康科学部 教授
- 2001 - - Hyogo University, Department of Health
- 1975 - 1987 Kobe University School of Medicine
- 1975 - 1987 Kobe University School of Medicine, Associate
- 1966 - 1975 Kobe University School of Medicine
- 1966 - 1975 Kobe University School of Medicine, Instructor
- 1960 - 1966 兵庫県立神戸医科大学 講師
- 1960 - 1966 Kobe Medical College, Instructor
- 1959 - 1960 兵庫県立神戸医科大学 助手
- 1959 - 1960 Kobe Medical College, Research Assistant
- 1953 - 1959 Wakayama Medical University
- 1953 - 1959 Wakayama Medical College, Research Assistant
- Science, Pofessor
- Professor
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