Research keywords (7):
nursing, child, home health care
, home health care
, child
, nursing
, 在宅ケア
, 小児
, 看護
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2023 - 2027 Development and evaluation of a blended learning program to strengthen nursery school teachers' anaphylaxis response skills.
2021 - 2025 Research on role acquisition and skills of care coordinators for technology-dependent children
2018 - 2023 健康課題を抱える子供の支援において養護教諭が行う多職種連携の現状と課題
2017 - 2022 Current state and issues on collaboration between health care and social welfare for supporting technology-dependent children living in the community
2017 - 2021 Development and evaluation of a training program on initial actions against anaphylaxis in children with food allergies in nursery schools
2015 - 2020 Longitudinal study on the effect of interprofessional education delivered by two institutions on the basis of collaboration with WHO
2015 - 2019 Mental and physical effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake on School Children, and Health Support inititives by yogo Teachers
2014 - 2017 Current status and future challenges of managing children carrying an epinephrine auto-injector in nursery schools
2012 - 2015 Current state and issues on accepting technology-dependent children to nursery schools
2009 - 2011 Decision making process of the parents about home care of their children who are technology-dependent and the factors affecting the process
2007 - 2010 Development of Educational Program for nurses-nurses Collaboration to Provide Community-based Palliative Care for Individuals with ALS
2007 - 2009 Implementation of a child home care planbasedon family-centered collaboration with medical personnel and creation of a guideline
Characteristics of case management in home health care for children with chronic disease who are technology dependent
MACHIDA, Daisuke, AKUZAWA, Chieko, OKAMOTO, Nanako, SANO, Chihiro, AOYAGI, Chiharu, KANAIZUMI, Shiomi, 町田, 大輔, 阿久澤, 智恵子, 岡本, 奈々子, 佐野, 千尋, et al. 食物アレルギー児とその家族の Quality of Life と関連する要因 -国内定量研究のレビュー--Factors Associated with Quality of Life of Children with Food Allergy and their Families - A Review of the Japanese Quantitative Studies -. 群馬大学共同教育学部紀要. 芸術・技術・体育・生活科学編. 2023. 58. 65-72
Takatoshi Makino, Bumsuk Lee, Hiroki Matsui, Ena Sato, Naoto Noguchi, Akinori Kama, Hiromitsu Shinozaki, Hideomi Watanabe. Evaluation of the effectiveness of Interprofessional Education at Gunma University as the WHO Collaborating Centre: case series. Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy. 2022. 6. 19-19
中澤 杏梨, 柏瀬 淳, 金泉 志保美. 幼児期の自閉スペクトラム症児をもつ保護者の子育てにおける思い 就園・就学に向けた思いを中心に. The Kitakanto Medical Journal. 2022. 72. 2. 177-184
町田大輔, 阿久澤智恵子, 岡本奈々子, 佐野千尋, 青柳千春, 金泉志保美. Factors Associated with Quality of Life of Children with Food Allergy and their Families-A Review of the Japanese Quantitative Studies-. 群馬大学共同教育学部紀要 芸術・技術・体育・生活科学編(Web). 2023. 58
Collaboration between nurses and nursery teachers in the practice of psychological preparation for children at a pediatric ward: A preliminary study
(The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science 2020)