J-GLOBAL ID:200901022435682873
Update date: Sep. 21, 2022 Kobata Toru
コバタ トオル | Kobata Toru
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www.gels.okayama-u.ac.jp/profile/kouza/areas11_plant.html Research field (2):
Crop production science
, Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (9):
Soil physical and chemical stress
, 収量
, 旱魃
, 高温
, ダイズ
, コムギ
, イネ
, Plant physiology
, Crop science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12): - 2015 - 2019 高温に対する子実成長の低反応性と高炭酸同化機能に着目したイネの高温登熟耐性
- 2015 - 2017 プロフィ-ル灌漑システムによる作物の水分吸収機能評価
- 2004 - 2013 多収イネ品種における収量制限要因の解析
- 2009 - 2011 イネ穂培養限界のブレ-クスル-
- 2007 - 2011 多収穫米を使った米粉加工品の開発
- 2001 - 2011 穂培養システムの開発
- 2005 - 2007 緑葉維持能力(stay-green)は旱魃下のイネ生産能力と関係するのか?
- 2004 - 2006 イネとコムギの高温登熟機能の品種及び属間差解明による耐性遺伝資源評価
- 2002 - 2004 イネの穂器官形成・機能解析のための液体培養システムの構築
- Changes of water use efficiency in crop plants depending on cultivars and cultivated conditions
- Low input sustainable agriculture in rice production
- Control mechanism of Crop physiology by soil drying
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Papers (55): -
Kobata, T, Palta, J. A. An experimental irrigation tool for creating a water gradient across soil depths under terminated rainfall conditions. Irrigation Science, Springer. 2018. 36. 1. 1-8
- Tohru Kobata, Müjde Koç, Celaleddin Barutçular, Ken-ichi Tanno, Masanori Inagaki. Harvest index is a critical factor influencing the grain yield of diverse wheat species under rain-fed conditions in the Mediterranean zone of southeastern Turkey and northern Syria. Plant Production Science. 2018. 21. 2. 71-82
- Tohru Kobata, Jairo A. Palta, Tomoyuki Tanaka, Masao Ohnishi, Miki Maeda, Mujde KoC Cedilla, Celaleddin Barutcular. Responses of grain filling in spring wheat and temperate-zone rice to temperature: Similarities and differences. FIELD CROPS RESEARCH. 2018. 215. 1. 187-199
Jin Kakiuchi, Tohru Kobata. A Quantitative Method for Analyzing Nitrogen Assimilation in Soybeans. CROP SCIENCE. 2017. 57. 2. 903-913
Tohru Kobata, Hibiki Ishi, Hiroyuki Iwasaki. A Reduction in Spikelet Number and Fertility Causes Yield Vulnerability in High-Yielding Rice. AGRONOMY JOURNAL. 2017. 109. 1. 175-184
more... MISC (5): -
小葉田 亨. 水とコムギ.水と植物.7:6-10 (10月,2009). 人と水. 2009. 7. 6-10
Tohru Kobata. Estimation of crop production by the future climate changes in surrounding areas of the Seyhan river in Turkey. The Final Report of ICCAP. 2006. 1. 1. 157-160
Tohru Kobata. The effect of desiccated soils on transpiration in spring wheat subject to elevated temperature and CO2 concentration. The Final Report of ICCAP. 2006. 1. 1. 161-162
Growth and Yield Respronse of Direct-Soun Diverse Rice Cultiars Soil Compaction Stress madel the Paddy Fild Condition. Proc. Int. Symp. "Word Food Security", Kyoto. 1999. 195-198
- Genotypic characteristics of drought resistance in Japanese npland vice. Biological Science(TOKYO). 1987. 39. 1
Patents (1): -
Books (3): - 作物学用語辞典
農文協 2010 ISBN:9784540071362
- 地球環境と作物
博友社 2007 ISBN:9784826802079
- Drought resistance in rice plant
Lectures and oral presentations (29): -
(日本作物学会第243回講演会 2017)
(日本作物学会第241回講演会 2016)
Low grain growth rate can be an effective strategy for relief from the impact of high temperatures on the grain-filling in rice (Oryza sativa L)?
(7th International Crop Science Congress 2016)
(日本作物学会第242回講演会 2016)
Differences of maintenance in green color of leaf segments in hybrid and inbred high yielding Chinese rice under incubated conditions
(日本作物学会第239回講演会 2015)
more... Professional career (2): Work history (1): - 2018/04 - Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science Specially- appointed professor
Committee career (14): - 2018/10 - 現在 日本作物学会中国支部会 幹事
- 2009/10 - 2018/09 日本作物学会中国支部会 評議員
- 1995 - 2018 日本作物学会中国支部会 評議員
- 2014/04 - 2016/03 日本作物学会 編集委員
- 2008/04 - 2016/03 日本作物学会 学会賞選考委員
- 2008/03 - 2016/03 日本作物学会 評議員
- 2014 - 2016 日本作物学会中国支部会 評議員
- 2014 - 2016 日本作物学会 評議員
- 2010/04 - 2012/03 日本作物学会 学会賞選考委員長
- 2009 - 2012 日本作物学会 和文誌編集専門委員
- 2009 - 2012 日本作物学会 日本作物学会紀事編集委員
- 2009 - 2011 日本作物学会 評議員
- 2008 - 2010 日本作物学会中国支部会 評議委員
- 2008 - 2010 日本作物学会 編集委員
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Awards (1): - 2005/12 - Japanese Society of Crop Science Japanese Society of Crop Science Research Award Quantitative Analysis of Grain Filling Processes mainly in Rice under Stress Conditions during the Grain Filling Period
Association Membership(s) (3):
American Society of Agronomy(
, 日本作物学会中国支部会
, 日本作物学会
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