Research field (4):
Gerontological and community health nursing
, Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research keywords (2):
, care prevention
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2023 - 2027 他害行為の防止に向けた保健所保健師に対する支援マニュアルの開発
2018 - 2023 認知症の診断直後からの家族介護者に対する支援体制の構築
2017 - 2023 要介護度を改善した介護事業者の成功報酬に関する評価基準の開発
2012 - 2017 Development of methods for selecting elderly people at high risk of soon being certified for long-term care insurance
2008 - 2011 Investigation and application of risk factors for death and exacerbation of condition among homebound elderly individuals
Iiyama Y,Kaba Y,Kusaba T,Furumura M. Staff-rated ability to provide post-diagnosis support for patients with mild cognitive impairment and related factors. PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 2023. 23. 6. 985-995
Kaba Y, Kawaguchi A, Yanagawa T. Factors that are related to reduced visual acuity in male junior high school students and their effects; findings based on cross-sectional study. Jpn J of Public Health. 2010. 57. 3. 165-174
Iiyama Y,Kaba Y,Kusaba T,Furumura M. Post-diagnosis Support for Patient with Mild Cognitive Important at Medical Centers for Dementia. IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress. 2023