J-GLOBAL ID:200901022957396692
Update date: Sep. 02, 2022 Yamashita Naoji
ヤマシタ ナオジ | Yamashita Naoji
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Social psychology
Research keywords (2):
, Developmental Psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 認知活動における構えの研究
- Study on Set in Cognitive Behaviour
MISC (32): -
Yamashita Naoji. The formation and change of set in cognitive processes : examining autonomic motivation, from the standpoint of the georgian psychology of set. Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education. 2002. 37. 357-367
認知活動における構えの形成と転換-構え理論の視点からみる「自立的動機づけ」の形成過程-. 宮城教育大学紀要第37巻. 2002. 37. 357-367
The formation and chang of set in Cognitive Processes :examining autonomic motivation, from the standpoint of the georgian psychology of set. Bulltin of MIYAGI UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION. 2002. 37. 357-367
認知活動における構えの形成と転換-Lewin-kouninによるrigidityの定式化をめぐる問題-. 宮城教育大学紀要. 2000. 34. 211-219
The formation and Change of Set in Cognitive processes : on conceptions of rigidity as the fixated-set. Bulletin of MIYAGI UNIVERSITY OF EduCATION. 2000. 34. 211-219
more... Books (18): - 「図でわかる学習と発達の心理学」(福村出版)(共著)
福村出版 2000
- 言葉の心理と教育(共著)
教育出版 1996
- 教育心理学入門(共著)
川島書店 1993
- Educational Psychology
Kawashima 1993
- 教育実践のための教育心理学(共著)
新曜社 1989
more... Professional career (1): Committee career (1): Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本教育心理学会
, 日本心理学会
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