Research field (3):
Biological resource conservation
, Energy chemistry
, Transfer phenomena and unit operations
Research keywords (6):
, エネルギー工学
, 環境工学
, Chemical Engineering
, Energy Engineering
, Environmental Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2007 - 2010 プラズマを用いる有害ガスの無害化分解に関する研究
2007 - 2010 Study on Decomposition of Harmful Gases by Plazama
2003 - 2003 金属廃液からの金属資源回収
2003 - 2003 固体残渣類からの金属分離回収
2003 - 2003 Metal Recovery from Metal-Containing Waste Water
2003 - 2003 Selective Recovery of Metals from Solid Wastes
2000 - 2000 酸性ガスの乾式除去用固体吸収剤の開発
2000 - 2000 Development of Acid Gas Sorbents
"Development of Chemical Filter Manufactured by Solid Residue for Acid Gases Removal" High-temperature gas cleaning agent by making use of solid waste residue as burnt ash and slag is being developed for the purpose of efficient removal of such acid・・・