J-GLOBAL ID:200901023881270640
Update date: Apr. 23, 2014 Oshima Miho
オオシマ ミホ | Oshima Miho
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Research keywords (4):
Scandinavian Studies
, International Politics
, 国際政治史
, History of International Politics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - ノルウェーの安全保障政策
- 国際関係における環境問題
- 欧州国際政治における北欧諸国の外交政策
- バルト海周辺地域における地域協力
- Security Policy of Norway
- Environmental Problems in International Relations
- Foreign Policy of the Nordic Countries
- Regional Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area
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Papers (1): -
OSHIMA Miho. International Politics in the Arctic: Triangle of Global Governance, Sub-regional Cooperation and State Politics. Journal of International Law and Diplomacy. 2011. 110巻. 第3号. 49-70頁
MISC (26): -
Baltic Cooperation : The Changes of Security Systems in Northern Europe. A Study of Sub-Regional Cooperation around Inland seas in the Western Surrounding Areas of Russia, Occasional Papers a on Changes in the Slaric-Eurasian World. 1998. 69
冷戦後の北欧諸国と環バルト海協力 -ヨーロッパ国際政治の地域化と下位地域. 国際政治. 1995. 110
北欧諸国と環バルト海協力 -北欧アイデンティティーの模索と下位地域協力. 平和研究. 1995. 19
冷戦後のノルウェーの安全保障政策. 欧州「拡大」の安全保障インプリケーションー同盟・中立の変容. 1995
Nordic Countries and Baltic Sea Cooperation after the Cold War ; Regionalization of International Politics and Sub-region. International Politics. 1995. 110
more... Books (17): - 山本武彦編著『市民社会の成熟と国際関係』早稲田大学現代政治研究所叢書39
志學社 2014
- 百瀬宏編『変貌する権力政治と抵抗-国際関係学における地域 』
彩流社 2012
- 『国際化する地域研究』
文化書房博文社 2009
- 『EUスタディーズ3-国家・地域・民族-』
勁草書房 2007
- 北欧史(百瀬宏、熊野聰、村井誠人編)
山川出版社 1998
more... Education (4): - - 1988 Tsuda College Graduate School of International and Cultural Studies
- - 1988 Tsuda College Graduate School, Division of International Relations
- - 1981 Tsuda College Faculty of Liberal Arts Department of International and Cultural Studies
- - 1981 Tsuda College Faculty of Arts and Science
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2006/04 - 現在 Tsuda College Department of International and Cultural Studies Professor
- 1997/04 - 2006/03 Tsuda College Department of International and Cultural Studies Associate Professor
- 1989/12 - 1997/03 University of Tsukuba School of Social Science Assistant Professor
- 1988/04 - 1989/11 Tsuda College Department of International and Cultural Studies Research Associate
Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本世界法学会
, 日本国際法学会
, 日本国際政治学会
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