J-GLOBAL ID:200901023974853564
Update date: Aug. 29, 2020
Yasugi Yoshiho
ヤスギ ヨシホ | Yasugi Yoshiho
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Graduate University for Advanced Studies, School of Cultural and Social Studies, Regional Studies
Research field (3):
Cultural anthropology and folklore
, Archaeology
, Linguistics
Research keywords (4):
, 中米の言語学
, Cultural History of Middle America
, Middle American Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- ユカテクマヤ語の研究
- マヤ文字の研究
- A Study of Yucatec Maya
- A Study of the Maya Script
MISC (38):
Books (16):
河出書房新社 2009
白水社 2005 ISBN:4560026041
世界思想社 2004
世界思想社 2004 ISBN:4790710408
Materiales de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala (4 vols.)
ELPR 2003
Education (2):
- - 1975 Kyoto University Faculty of Letters
- - 1975 Kyoto University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Work history (4):
- 1990 - 1997 National Museum of Ethnology
- 1990 - 1997 National museum of Ethnology, Associate Professor
- 1980 - 1990 National Museum of Ethnology
- 1980 - 1990 National museum of Ethnology, Research fellow
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本言語学会
, 日本ラテンアメリカ学会
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