J-GLOBAL ID:200901024017511828
Update date: Sep. 13, 2022 Munekage Yukihiro
ムネカゲ ユキヒロ | Munekage Yukihiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (4):
Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental impact assessment
, Environmental dynamics
Research keywords (6):
, 沿岸環境保全
, 環境動態解析
, Coastal Oceanography
, Coastal Environmental Preservation
, Environmental Dynamic Analysis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2000 - 環境中の化学物質(抗生物質)の分布
- 2000 - Persistent chemicals (antibiotics) in the Environment
- 貧酸素化機構
- 富栄養化機構
- 閉塞性湾の海水交換と物質収支
- Anoxidation mechanism
- Eutrophication mechanism
- Water exchange and material budget in the semi-enclosed inlet
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MISC (58): - 宗景 志浩, LE Xuan Tuan, 夏川 優樹, 岩崎 望. 内湾域における残留化学物質の分布と生物濃縮に関する研究. 海岸工学論文集. 2002. 49(2), 1096-1100. 1096-1100
Studies on The Distribution of Antibiotics in Water, Suspended Solid, Bottom Mud in Semi-enclosed Sea and Its Accumulation in Plankton. Proceedings of ISOPE-2002. 2002. 2002, 425-431
Studies on The Distribution of Antibiotics in Water, Suspended Solid, Bottom Mud in Semi-enclosed Sea and Its Accumulation in Plankton. Proceeding of ISOPE-2002. 2002. 2002, 425-431
閉鎖系海域における外因性溶存有機物質の動態解析;海水およびプランクトン中での抗生物質の残留および蓄積. 第9回世界湖沼会議(印刷中). 2001
- 宗景 志浩, Tuan Le Xuan, 足立 伸也, 蒲生 啓司, 岩崎 望. 沿岸海水中の微量化学物質(ABPC,OTC)の分布と消失に関する研究. 海岸工学論文集. 2001. 48. 2. 1251-1255
more... Books (2): - 黒潮と土佐(共著)
高知新聞社 1994
- 黒潮のナゾを追う(共著)
高知新聞社 1991
Education (4): - - 1971 Kochi University
- - 1971 Kochi University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
- - 1969 Kochi University
- - 1969 Kochi University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2): - Doctor ( Agriculture ) (Ehime University)
- Dr.
Association Membership(s) (3): Return to Previous Page