J-GLOBAL ID:200901024172614099
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Masaoka Keiko
マサオカ ケイコ | Masaoka Keiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Others(describe your title)
Research field (3):
Lifelong developmental nursing
, Gerontological and community health nursing
, Clinical nursing
Research keywords (25):
, ナラティブ分析
, 助産師
, 知識獲得モデル
, 経験知
, 経験知獲得モデル
, 妊婦
, 多職種連携
, 質的研究
, 統合失調症
, 出産
, 夫婦
, 精神科看護
, 夫婦の相互作用
, 妊娠体験
, 質的帰納的研究
, 外来支援
, 僻地
, 妊娠
, 安全管理
, ネットワーク
, 出産準備教育
, ペアレントトレーニング
, ヘルスリテラシー
, 子育て
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2009 - 2012 Phase model for the acquisition of practice-based knowledge by midwives from experience in labor and delivery care
- 2003 - 2004 2歳児を持つ女性の心配事、夫や子育てに対する気持ち
- 2003 - 2004 Maternal concern for husband and child care 2 years after Delivery
- 1998 - 2000 正常分娩における開業助産婦の意思決定プロセスに含まれる因子
- 1998 - 2000 Midwifery Decision-Making Process during Normal Delivery
MISC (37): - 正岡経子, 丸山知子, 林佳子, 荻田珠江. 経験10年以上の助産師が獲得した妊産婦ケアの経験知に関する研究. 母性衛生. 2014. 55. 3. 183
- 正岡 経子, 丸山 知子, 林 佳子, 荻田 珠江. O2-027 経験10年以上の助産師が獲得した妊産婦ケアの経験知に関する研究(助産師3,一般口演). 母性衛生. 2014. 55. 3
- HAYASHI YOSHIKO, MASAOKA KEIKO, OGITA TAMAE, YAMAUCHI MAYUMI, ITO YUKIKO, NAKAZAWA TAKAYO. Education regarding Childbirth Preparation Implemented by Nurses and Midwives for Pregnant Women Who Travel Long Distances to Childbirth Facilities. 札幌保健科学雑誌. 2014. 3. 19-26
- MASAOKA KEIKO, HAYASHI YOSHIKO, OHINATA TERUMI. Report on JICA Training Maternal and Child Health (French, A) according to a trainee questionnaire and action plan. 札幌保健科学雑誌. 2014. 3. 71-77
- 正岡経子, 丸山知子, 林佳子, 荻田珠江. 妊産婦ケア経験から獲得する助産師の経験知と経験年数および分娩介助件数の関連. 日本助産学会誌. 2014. 27. 3. 250
more... Books (1): Education (4): - - 2000 Sapporo Medical University
- - 2000 Sapporo Medical University Graduate School, Division of Health Care
- - 1995 聖路加看護大学 看護学部
- - 1995 St. Luke's College of Nursing Faculty of Nursing
Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (Sapporo Medical University)
Work history (9): - 2012/10 - 現在 Sapporo Medical University School of Health Sciences
- 2006/06 - 2012/09 Sapporo Medical University School of Health Sciences
- 2004/04 - 2006/03 Tenshi College Graduate School of Midwifery
- 2004 - 2005 Tenshi College Graduate School School of
- 2003/04 - 2004/03 Tenshi College School of Nursing and Nutrition, Department of Nursing
- 2000/04 - 2003/03 Tenshi College School of Nursing and Nutrition
- 2002 - 2003 Tenshi college faculty of Nursing Lecturer
- 2000 - 2002 Tenshi college faculty of Nursing assistant
- Midwitery Lecturer
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本看護科学学会
, 日本助産学会
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