J-GLOBAL ID:200901025930714977
Update date: Jul. 03, 2002 Takeuchi Tsuguhito
タケウチ ツグヒト | Takeuchi Tsuguhito
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Research keywords (6):
, 古チベット語文献学
, チベット・ビルマ言語学
, Descriptive and Sociolinguistic Studies of Tibetan Dialects
, Old Tibetan Philology
, Tibeto-Burman linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (28): -
「スタイン蒐集トルキスタン出土古チベット語文書-概要とカタログ作成プロジェクト-」. 内陸アジア言語の研究(]G0010[)(]G0001[). 1996. 121-137
"Old Tibetan Manuscripts from East Turkestan ". 1996. 121-137
"Kh. Tib. (Kozlov4) : Contracts for the Borrowing of Barley". Manuscripta Orientalia. 1995. 1. 1(St. petersburg). 49-52
「鉛」と「お顔」--チベット語敬語語彙形成過程をめぐって--. 〈内陸アジア言語の研究IX〉. 1994. 95-104.
"lead and face : on the formation of honorific words in Tibetan". 1994. 95-104.
more... Books (27): - Preliminary Analysis of the Old Zhangzhung Language and Manuscripts
New Research on Zhangzhung and Related Himalayan Languages, Bon Studies 3 2001
- Old Tibetan Manuscripts from East Turkestan in the Stein Collection of the British Library, 3 vols.
The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for UNESCO(Tokyo) and the British Library(London) 1997
- チベットのことわざ
〈世界ことわざ大事典〉大修館 1995
- "Proverbs in Tibet"
- Old Tibetan Contracts from Central Asia
Daizo Shuppan Publishing 1995
more... Works (20): -
1999 -
Research on the Zhang-zhung Texts in the British Librorg and Bibliothigue Nationale.
1999 -
1998 -
1998 -
1997 -
more... Professional career (2): Awards (2): - 1995 - 新村出賞
- 1987 - 流沙海西奨学会賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
T'ang Studies Society
, The Tibet Society
, International Association for Tibetan Studies
, 東方学会
, 日本西蔵学会
, 日本言語学会
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