J-GLOBAL ID:200901026255390977
Update date: Feb. 23, 2025 Yamaguchi Keiko
ヤマグチ ケイコ | Yamaguchi Keiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Other affiliations (1): -
Tokyo Gakugei University
Social Studies
Research field (2):
, Sociology
Research keywords (5):
Urban Sociology
, Poverty
, Social Exclusion
, Social Mobility
, Social Research
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2021 - 2026 San'ya and Kamagasaki: Structure and its Transformation of Urban Bottom
- 2017 - 2021 Structure and Transformation of Bottom People in Global Cities
- 2016 - 2019 Empirical study regarding network-type social movements in the global age
- 2012 - 2015 Research for the Reconstruction Plan that considers QOL from the Great East Japan Earthquake Using Social Sciences
- 2012 - 2015 International Comparative Research on Labor, Housing, and Homelessness in Global Cities
- 2012 - 2015 An Empirical Study on the Organization of Workers in Unstable Employment in the Era of Globalization
- 2009 - 2011 Sociological Study of Migrant Youth and Poverty in Japan
- 2006 - 2008 Sociological Studies of Youth Unstable Workers in Construction Industry
- 2003 - 2006 Modernity in Periphery Interdisciplinary Studies on Modernization Process of Tsugaru area in Aomori, Northern Japan
- 2003 - 2005 現代日本の建設産業における飯場型労働の構造と再編に関する社会学的研究
- 1999 - 2002 The Situation of Yoseba in Contemporary Japan
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Papers (8): -
TAMAKI Matsuo, KITAGAWA Yukihiko, YUKI Tsubasa, YAMAGUCHI Keiko. A Preliminary Study of the Circumstances that Surround the Urban Bottoms due to the Impact of COVID-19. Journal of the School of International Studies Utsunomiya University. 2021. 51. 133-150
TAMAKI Matsuo, KITAGAWA Yukihiko, YAMAGUCHI Keiko and YUKI Tsubasa. Structure and Transformation of Global Cities’ Urban Bottom: Tokyo Team’s Preliminary Report. Journal of the Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University. 2020. 49. 101-122
YAMAGUCHI Keiko. Institutionalization of Skills in the Accommodation Industry: The Acceptance of Immigrants in the “Specified Skilled Worker” Category in Japan. Review of Asian and Pacific Studies. 2019. 44. 45-60
LEE Young-Jun and YAMAGUCHI Keiko. The Effects of “Region-oriented Subjects” on Attachment to Local Area and Workplace Selection--Analysis of a Survey of University Students in the city of Hirosaki. Journal of Urban Social Studies. 2019. 11. 61-74
LEE Young-Jun and YAMAGUCHI Keiko. The Effects of “Region-oriented Subjects” on Workplace Selection: Analysis of a Survey of University Students in the city of Hirosaki. Regional Studies, Doctoral Course Graduate School of Hirosaki University. 2018. 14. 3-14
more... MISC (8): -
山口恵子. 「統計にみる青森県の女性出稼ぎの動向」. 『人文社会論叢(社会科学編)』. 2010. 23. 209-219
Policies and problems for homeless people. Review of consumer co-operative studies. 2009. 401. 24-31
The change of labor market in the local region and migration: the background of homelessness for youth. Social theory and dynamics. 2008. 1. 145-159
Support for the homeless and exclusion. 2007. 127. 10-13
山口恵子. 「建設業と日雇労働市場の再編--雇用管理の進展と囲い込み--」. 新宿ホームレス支援機構『季刊Shelter-less』. 2006. 29. 132-152
more... Books (23): - Exploring Social Issues: Urban and Regional Perspectives
Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd. 2024 ISBN:9784641175037
- Introduction to Social Research for Accessing Society
Minervasyobo 2023 ISBN:9784623096268
- The Bottom Worker in East Asia: Composition and Transformation under Neoliberal Globalization
Brill 2023 ISBN:9789004678224
- Introduction to Community and Urban Studies: Doing Sociological Research on the Ground
Yuhikaku 2022 ISBN:9784641150959
- Urban Poverty in Globalizaiton: International Comparison of Homelessness in Big Cities
Minervasyobo 2020 ISBN:9784623087457
more... Lectures and oral presentations (22): -
The Structure and Dynamics of “Sanya” in Tokyo (3) A Quantitative Analysis of the Urban Bottom
(The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Urban Sociological Society 2024)
(第94回日本社会学会大会 2021)
(成蹊大学アジア太平洋研究センター・シンポジウム「人口減少時代と外国人労働者 日本の産業・労働政策と社会的公正の未来を考える」 2018)
(第65回東北社会学会大会 2018)
(2015年度地域未来創生センターフォーラム「地方回帰--UIJターン促進政策を模索する」 2015)
more... Education (2): - - 2002 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Social Sciences
- - 1994 Hiroshima University
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (Sociology) (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Awards (3): - 2013 - 弘前大学出版会 第四回弘前大学出版会賞 弘前大学人文学部ボランティアセンター編『チーム・オール弘前の一年 -岩手県野田村の復興支援・交流活動の記録-』(共著)
- 2012 - 弘前大学出版会 第三回弘前大学出版会賞 杉山祐子・山口恵子編『弘大ブックレットNo.7 ものづくりに生きる人々 ー旧城下町・弘前の職人ー』(共編)
- 2004 - 日本都市社会学会 第四回日本都市社会学会賞(磯村記念賞) 倉沢進・浅川達人編著『新版東京圏の社会地図1975-90』 (共著)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本都市社会学会
, 日本社会学会
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