J-GLOBAL ID:200901026538692783
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Kamiya Mitsuhiko
カミヤ ミツヒコ | Kamiya Mitsuhiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (3):
Rural environmental engineering and planning
, Civil engineering (environmental systems)
, Geotechnical engineering
Research keywords (6):
, 農業土木学・農村計画学
, 地盤工学
, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering and Rural Planning
, Irrigation
, Ground Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): MISC (23): Books (5): - 実務者のための火山灰土(共著)
地盤工学会北海道支部 2004
- 北海道の農業と農村(共著)
農業土木学会北海道支部 2004
- 泥炭のお話し(共著)
地盤工学会 2004 ISBN:4886442145
- 北海道の泥炭地盤の沈下と対策(共著)
地盤工学会北海道支部 2002 ISBN:4886440576
- 北海道火山灰土の性質と利用(共著)
地盤工学会北海道支部 1997
Works (8): -
1998 - 2002
Research on Wide Subsidence of Peatland in HOkkaido
1998 - 2002
1998 -
Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia
1998 -
1989 -
more... Education (2): - - 1969 Hokkaido University Faculty of Agriculture
- - 1969 Hokkaido University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1): - PhD(agriculture) (Hokkaido University)
Work history (9): - 1980 - 1992 Hokkaido Institute of Technology
- 1980 - 1992 Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Associate
- 1992 - - 北海道工業大学 教授
- 1992 - - Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Professor
- 1976 - 1980 Hokkaido Institute of Technology
- 1976 - 1980 Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Lecturer
- 1972 - 1976 Hokkaido University
- 1972 - 1976 Hokkaido University, Research Assistant
- Professor
Show all
Committee career (1): Awards (2): - 2005 - 地盤工学会功労賞
- 1976 - 土質工学会北海道支部賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 廃棄物学会
, 土木学会
, 農業土木学会
, 地盤工学会
, International Peat Society
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