J-GLOBAL ID:200901026705667460
Update date: Sep. 11, 2022 Yamashita Kazuki
ヤマシタ カズキ | Yamashita Kazuki
Affiliation and department: Research field (4):
Respiratory surgery
, Cardiovascular surgery
, Digestive surgery
, General surgery, pediatric surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 膵疾患
- 大腸癌治療
- 胃癌治療
- pancreatic disease
- colorectal cancer therapy
- gastric cancer therapy
Show all
MISC (45): Works (4): -
Crohn病に対する痔瘻の術後、回賜穿孔、吻合部皮膚瘻、内瘻など難渋した経過をたどった1例 第54回日本消化器外科学会総会
1999 -
大腸多発癌療例の検討 第51回大賜癌研究会(神戸)
1999 -
Stage (]G0004[)大賜癌手術例における長期生存例の検討 第53回日本消化器外科学会(京都)
1999 -
Clinicopathological analysis of prognostic factors of liver metastases from colorectal cancer 12th Biennial congress of the Asian Surgical Association 7-10 March Australia
1999 -
Education (2): - - 1986 Ehime University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
- - 1986 Ehime University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1): Committee career (1): - 2000 - American Society of Clinical Oncology active member
Awards (1): - 1999 - The 12th Biennial Congress of the Asian Surgical Assoniation, First prize in the poster judging
Association Membership(s) (7):
American Society of Clinical Oncology
, 日本胆道学会
, 日本胸部外科学会
, 乳癌学会
, 日本大腸肛門病学会
, 日本消化器外科学会
, 日本外科学会
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