J-GLOBAL ID:200901026928472334
Update date: Aug. 28, 2024 Ishimaru Yoshiro
イシマル ヨシロウ | Ishimaru Yoshiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): https://www.foodfunction.jp/ Research field (2):
Molecular biology
, Food sciences
Research keywords (2):
, Taste signal transduction
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16): - 2019 - 2022 Elucidation of intestinal tuft cell-expressed receptor function in type 2 innate immunity and its application to food science
- 2019 - 2022 脊椎動物における味覚受容体TAS1Rの新規レパートリーの機能解明
- 2018 - 2021 鳥類をモデルとした食性の多様化と味覚受容体の機能との関連
- 2016 - 2019 小腸刷子細胞に発現する受容体の生理機能の解明と阻害物質の探索
- 2016 - 2018 Obesity induced by collapsed feeding rhythm
- 2015 - 2017 Investing the Mechanism of Salty Taste Reception and Response
- 2014 - 2017 Peripheral Response to Tastant Signals and Central Cognition for Analysis of Their Coordination and its Application to the Science of Food for Life
- 2014 - 2016 酸味・塩味受容機構の全容解明に向けた新規イオンチャネル型味覚受容体の探索
- 2013 - 2016 消化管における味覚関連遺伝子発現細胞の機能解析
- 2013 - 2015 Characterization of sweet taste receiving cells in the gut and analysis of their cellular functions
- 2012 - 2015 Elucidation of the effect of polyphenols on the inhibition of intestinal cholesterol transport and for their clinical applications
- 2011 - 2014 Integrated molecular analysis of taste signal generation, transmission and cognition
- 2010 - 2013 味覚情報伝達神経回路の可視化と形成維持機構の解明
- 2008 - 2010 酸味受容体候補の生理機能の検証と食品科学的応用に向けた分子基盤の解明
- 2007 - 2008 酸味受容体候補PKD1L3/PKD2L1の分子細胞生物学的解析
- TRP channel members, PKD1L3 and PKD2L1, in sour taste sensation
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Papers (58): -
Akihiro Itoigawa, Yasuka Toda, Shigehiro Kuraku, Yoshiro Ishimaru. Evolutionary origins of bitter taste receptors in jawed vertebrates. Current biology : CB. 2024. 34. 7. R271-R272
Nishihara, H., Toda, Y., Kuramoto, T., Kamohara, K., Goto, A., Hoshino, K., Okada, S., Kuraku, S., Okabe, M., Ishimaru, Y. A vertebrate-wide catalogue of T1R receptors reveals diversity in taste perception. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2024. 8. 1. 111-120
Shimizu, T., Kubozono, T., Asaoka, R., Toda, Y., Ishimaru, Y. Expression profiles and functional characterization of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) T2Rs. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 2021. 28. 101123-101123
Yoichi Kasahara, Masataka Narukawa, Yoshiro Ishimaru, Shinji Kanda, Chie Umatani, Yasunori Takayama, Makoto Tominaga, Yoshitaka Oka, Kaori Kondo, Takashi Kondo, et al. TMC4 is a novel chloride channel involved in high-concentration salt taste sensation. The journal of physiological sciences : JPS. 2021. 71. 1. 23-23
Yasuka Toda, Takashi Hayakawa, Akihiro Itoigawa, Yosuke Kurihara, Tomoya Nakagita, Masahiro Hayashi, Ryuichi Ashino, Amanda D Melin, Yoshiro Ishimaru, Shoji Kawamura, et al. Evolution of the primate glutamate taste sensor from a nucleotide sensor. Current biology : CB. 2021. 31. 20. 4641-4649
more... MISC (25): -
糸井川壮大, 戸田安香, 石丸喜朗, 今井啓雄. Functional evolution of sweet taste receptors in the family Indriidae. 霊長類研究. 2023. 39. Supplement
戸田安香, 早川卓志, 糸井川壮大, 栗原洋介, 中北智哉, AMANDA Melin, 河村正二, 今井啓雄, 石丸喜朗, 三坂巧. Relationship between the nucleotide sensitivity of T1R1/T1R3 and diets in primates. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2022. 2022
糸井川壮大, 戸田安香, 石丸喜朗, 今井啓雄. インドリ科における甘味受容体の機能多様性. 霊長類研究. 2022. Supplement (CD-ROM)
戸田安香, 石丸喜朗, 三坂巧. 味覚と嗅覚の進化 脊椎動物における味覚の多様性とその遺伝的要因. 科学. 2022. 92. 12
小川真奈, 永井俊匡, 齊藤美佳, 石丸喜朗, 阿部啓子, 阿部啓子, 朝倉富子. 粉末あるいは固形飼料を長期間摂取させたラットの視床における発現遺伝子の比較解析. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2017. 2017
more... Education (4): - 2000 - 2003 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Applied Biological Chemistry
- 1998 - 2000 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Applied Biological Chemistry
- 1996 - 1998 The University of Tokyo
- 1994 - 1996 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (2): - Master(Agriculture) (The University of Tokyo)
- Doctor(Agriculture) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (11): - 2022/04 - 現在 Meiji University School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Chemistry
- 2017/04 - 2022/03 Meiji University School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Chemistry
- 2016/04 - 2022/03 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
- 2014/01 - 2017/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- 2008/04 - 2013/12 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- 2008/04 - 2013/03 Atomi University
- 2007/04 - 2008/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- 2007/02 - 2007/03 Duke University Research Associate
- 2005/02 - 2007/01 Duke University 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員
- 2004/04 - 2005/01 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- 2002/04 - 2004/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
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Committee career (4): - 2023/05 - 現在 日本農芸化学会 関東支部幹事
- 2019/03 - 2023/02 日本農芸化学会 英文誌編集委員会委員
- 2019/07 - 2020/06 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会専門委員
- 2013/04 - 2015/03 日本農芸化学会 産学官学術交流委員会幹事
Awards (5): - 2019/01 - 連合駿台会 連合駿台会学術奨励賞
- 2018/10 - バイオインダストリー協会 バイオインダストリー奨励賞
- 2017/07 - 三島海雲記念財団 三島海雲学術賞 食品成分の受容・伝達と生体応答の分子基盤
- 2016/03 - 食創会 安藤百福賞 発明発見奨励賞 酸味受容体の発見
- 2012/03 - 日本農芸化学会 農芸化学奨励賞 酸味受容体の発見とその味覚伝達機構の解明
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本味と匂学会
, 日本農芸化学会
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